Monday, March 6, 2023

Jesus Revolution

 A new movie is out about the Jesus Movement of the 70's. Have you all seen it? It is called Jesus Revolution. I would go see it, except that I have to pee way to often now being pregnant. The movie is mainly about Lonnie Frisbee, who was a mover and shaker back in the day. He was a very outgoing person. I found a great video on YouTube done by his best friend titled, "The True Story of Lonnie Frisbee." He says Lonnie really was the one who started the Calvary movement and then the Vineyard Movement. He could heal people in droves. I believe it was just because he had the faith that they would be healed. It didn't mean he was some superhuman, but he did have super great faith. 

Lonnie was sexually abused as a child. This led to him having random sexual relationships. I think at some point he hooked up with a guy, probably just once, and that is why he died of AIDS. He said in a book he wrote, that his friend read in the video, that he did not practice the homosexual lifestyle, so that is good. He was molested by a male babysitter when he was only 8. I can imagine that led to a lot of gender confusion for him. I believe he is still in heaven now, because he did so much for growing God's church. 

No one is perfect. There is a video interview with Greg Laurie where he is adamantly defending Lonnie. He can understand people would be confused why he helped make a movie about Lonnie since he died of AIDS. He said all through the Bible we see God uses imperfect people to accomplish what he wants to have done. His point was that we still should honor his life and accomplishments even though he had gay tendencies. That did not make him a non-Christian. He was simply a Christian with a struggle, and we all have our own struggles don't we?

The entire reason Greg Laurie was saved in the first place was because of Lonnie. He came to Greg's high school and was giving a sermon out on a grassy field. Greg decided that day to say the prayer. After that he quit drugs and started going to church. Then he went on to be the main person besides Billy Graham to help save millions around the world for the rest of his life. That was all credited to Lonnie just reaching out to the lost kids in some random high school that God most likely called him to. 

Greg Laurie then basically saved me. I looked up to him a lot in my teens and attended his Harvest Crusades. They weren't healing services. They were just a place of great worship and preaching, and a way to expose us all to great Christian music that really helped me grow in God. I am as Christian as I am now because of those Crusades that he funded and ran. Thank you Greg Laurie. :)

So ultimately, I owe my own strong walk with God to Lonnie. Lonnie saved Greg and Greg helped me get saved. So thank you Lonnie.

If you like to read, go buy his three books that Lonnie Frisbee wrote. They sound like they could be the best books you have ever read, besides mine. His might be better though. :)

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