Thursday, October 1, 2015

A Call on My Life

Joyce Meyer always says that she knew God had a calling on her life from a young age.  Most likely Satan knew what she would become and so tried to prevent that in causing her dad to do all the things he did to her.  But she still overcame and God's plan for her still prevailed.  Praise God. :)

I was thinking that the same may have been true for me.  My dad also attempted things but it wasn't as bad at what happened to Joyce Meyer.  But I wonder if Satan was also trying to stop me from doing big things. 

I was wondering if Satan can predict the future like God can.  I guess he can because there are fortune tellers inspired by Satan essentially that can be pretty accurate about the future. 

So the big things I have already done are the missions trips I have gone one and all my jobs with kids.  I think I have already touched many people's lives with sharing my testimony in front of different groups. :)

I first shared my testimony in India in a small village.  I was 14 at the time and was on a missions trip with my church and YWAM.  I had an interpreter, and as I was sharing more and more people were stopping by to listen.  We were outside in someone's front yard there. 

The second time I shared my story publically was at my next church, Mariners church in Irvine.  I shared it at 4 different services and each service had about 2,000 people.  That was scary for sure.  I was literally shaking like a leaf. :)  I'm sure I partly felt nervous because I was a woman talking in front of all of them and because I was so young.  I was only 16 at the time.  I basically just shared how a few months before I had snuck out with a guy I liked and smoked pot for the first time.  My youth pastor at my previous church found out about it and told me I wasn't saved since I did that.  But I concluded that no matter what we do, God always loves us and we can't loose our salvation based off of one mistake.  We all make mistakes, and God can always forgive us if we just ask.  Amen.

I was thinking today how amazing it was that I got that opportunity.  I attended that church for about 10 years and no other woman was allowed to be up on stage to share her story and no other youth did.  So why me?  Why did they let me and why did God have me do that?  Was it because someday I will be speaking in front of people about God?  Who knows.

An old friend always said I would be the next Joyce Meyer.  It would be pretty amazing if that does happen but who knows. 

The next time I shared my story was in Taiwan.  I was also 16 at the time and on a summer missions trip with my church youth group.  The pastor's wife was in my English dialogue class.  I showed her some testimonies I had written up and she asked if I would share with the church.  So that next Sunday I did.  And when I got back from the trip I spoke to our youth group about our trip. 

I actually always left out the part about my dad.  I used to be too ashamed to talk about it or admit that that was in my past. 

The next time I shared my story in front of people was in Taiwan again.  A different church I was going to was also doing a missions trip to Taiwan.  To the same church even!  It was called Banner Church and I'm sure they are still going strong.  Great church!  Again I shared my story there and I was about 22 then. 

A year later I shared my story to a group of young boys in a detention center. 

A few years after that I shared my story to a group of girls I was working with in a group home.  Hopefully that made an impact on them.  I was trying to encourage them that no matter what their past was, they could have a successful future.  I also shared my story at an AA meeting I went to with them. 

And my last time sharing was in a Celebrate Recovery group I was going to for a time about 2 years ago. 

Anyways, may God give me more opportunities to share and to teach.  I enjoy writing on this blog and I hope it benefits you who read it.  :)

May God bless you all!

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