Saturday, October 24, 2015

Game Plan for Grandparent Care

Ok here's my thoughts on how I would take care of my grandparents....

My grandma doesn't have her teeth anymore so she could eat yogurt mostly and drink protein shakes.  That was pretty much all I consumed for awhile in my life, which was how I stayed skinny lol  Slim fast shakes could work for her too. :)  She could also eat oatmeal, which is great, maybe eggs...etc.

We could get a TV for their room and they would probably be as happy as clams laying in bed watching TV together.  I don't think they have ever, ever done that actually because their TV was always in the living room.  They don't even know how awesome it is to lay in bed and watch TV lol so funny. :)

My grandpa could go for walks outside on our land.  That would be good for him to get outside.  He has always loved getting exercise and being outside a lot. 

We will be getting dogs soon, two labs, which would be gentle enough dogs that hopefully they wouldn't knock my grandpa over. lol

I might have to help my grandma shower but I'm hoping we can get a nurse out to our house just to do that every day, because I would rather not.  That would be awkward. :)

I guess my grandma has diapers which probably my grandpa could change but I could help.

My grandpa still has teeth so he can eat pizza and stuff so that's good. :)

I can get a chair for their room so I can go in and sit and talk to my grandma, since she will pretty much be stuck in her room since she is bedridden. be continued....

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