Saturday, October 10, 2015

Addiction to Endorphines

Whenever you cause your body pain, endorphines are released, which is a hormone that makes you happy. This is a survival mechanism of the body. It helps if we get a limb cut off etc. to keep us from feeling the full force of the pain.

The same is true when we work out. We are causing our body pain actually, and so endorphines are released. This why working out can become addictive to some people. Working out can be good but all things in moderation are best of course.

The same goes for when people smoke. Smoking hurts the body, slowly kills the body really, and so the body releases endorphines. The same is true for over eating. In that you are also hurting your body and so endorphines are released.

The same is also true for people who cut themselves. They are causing themselves pain, so the reason it might actually make them feel better is because of the release of endorphines.

Obviously the best option is to release endorphines by doing positive things. Doing something where you feel that your life has meaning and purpose can release endorphines. Hugging others and showing love also can. Having a pet and caring for a pet can. Serving others can release endorphines etc.

May we all learn healthy ways to release the happy chemical of endorphines in our bodies rather than in things that are destructive to the body. Amen. God bless!



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