Thursday, October 29, 2015

Increased Demonic Activity on Halloween

Eph.6:12, "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms."

Tomorrow is Halloween and I think all Christian should fast and pray all day. I'm half kidding. But seriously, there is definitely an increase in demonic activity on Halloween. It's not just superstition. Ghosts, demons, etc. are not just made up stories; they are real. Ghosts are generally demons that people are seeing; they are not dead people etc.

There really is a danger also in how we choose to decorate our houses for Halloween. Something as simple as owls even can attract evil spirits. Read the book "The Bondage Breaker" for more info on that.

But demons really are more attracted to certain things, like people wearing all black. That is why people who are more mentally disturbed tend to wear all black.

They are also attracted to symbols like upside down crosses etc.

Just be careful what you wear, what your kids wear, and how your house is decorated for Halloween.

Maybe put a cross somewhere outside your house. I think that can kind of be like the Israelites putting blood over their door posts at the Passover in Egypt. Crosses might actually ward off evil spirits.

I like to put a cross and an angel in each room of my apt/house at all times, to symbolically show that each room is protected from evil spirit by the blood of the cross and a guardian angel lol. Seems silly but if it works that's great! :)

Anyways, be careful tomorrow for Halloween. I have never had anything crazy happen to me on Halloween, but my friends have. Feel free to share any stories you have heard or experienced regarding Halloween and demonic activity. I do always feel that there is something different in the air, so to speak. There just seems to be more evil out there, and there probably is. Witches are real and people really do worship Satan. There is more of this going on on Halloween I think.

So be safe and God bless! May God protect you all tomorrow from anything that Satan would try to throw at you. And may you guard against inviting any evil spirit to your home, self, or children. Amen. God bless! :)

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