Friday, October 2, 2015

On Rest

In our modern society, the high importance of rest is very much overlooked. 

Hopelessness can lead to depression, but so can a lack of rest.  The reason people get depressed is because their body shuts down.  You can't run on hyper drive forever without burning out eventually. 

That was why God gave us the Sabbath.  It was not meant to be a kill joy or creating a day of boredom for us.  It was meant to keep us healthy and whole. 

It's very important to take one day every week to just relax, to not expect too much of yourself. 

Often times, when we don't rest, it is because of pride.  It's from us thinking we are superman or superwoman and we can conquer the world without needing to rest.  But the fact is, God designed us to need sleep, so sleep when you need to. 

The Bible says, "It is in vain that you rise early and stay up late, for God grants his beloved rest."  Amen. :)  God wants you to get enough sleep.  God wants you to take care of yourself. 

So let yourself sleep.  Let yourself take naps.  Take time to rest and relax.

God bless!

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