Friday, October 19, 2012

Dreams and Goals

I once heard if you have goals you have to write them down. People who write down their goals are 10 times more likely to achieve them. So here are mine.....

1. Get a masters and then a doctorate and so continue on the yellow brick road I saw myself on since I was 10. Since I was 10 when I saw my grandma's plaque in her tea room that said Dr. Electa Strube, I said to myself, I want one of those! lol I would like to be Dr. Lisa Davis someday. So God willing, maybe I will be :)

2. Become an actual author and write books.....I greatly admire writers like John Eldridge and Joyce Meyer. I think Joyce has written something like 60 books! Roger always said to me I would be the next Joyce Meyer. lol and my dad always said I would be the first female president. And my brother always said I would be the next Mother Theresa. No pressure to become something great though right lol. So I hope at least I can publish one, maybe two books someday :) I want to encourage other people to press on in the race of faith like I have been encouraged to by the dozens of books I have read. The best one of all time was "Waking the Dead" by John Eldridge. I highly recommend it to you all :)

3. Possibly become a college professor someday, perhaps at a private Christian school, possibly a private high school. It has been my dream for about 12 years now since I had Mr. Woods, my high school English teacher, to teach students and discuss poems like Gerard Manly Hopkins but also get to speak about God openly with them, without the fear of being fired. I was so sad one day after school when I was talking with Mr. Woods, as we did a lot, and he said he didn't actually believe there was a hell. I was so shocked that Satan had deceived a man with such potential and such seeming outward faith and spiritual knowledge! He was phenomenal, best teacher I had ever had, so inspiring, so excited about life. Yet he believed a lie. He said to me, "Lisa, how can I teach these students every day believing half or more of then are going to hell." I can understand his moral dilemma and it is hard but that is how it is. There are hard facts of life. That does not mean we abandon the truths of scripture. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life, and no one can come to the Father except through me." That is THE truth. It is not relative. There is only ONE way, through Jesus and Jesus alone. It is not, "Whatever works for you man. It's good for you but not for me." No, one day we will all have to give an account for our lives and what we chose to believe. One day every knee will bow and tongue confess that Christ is Lord, some willingly, but most unwillingly. "Narrow is the road that leads to life, and few are there that find it." "But broad is the path to destruction." Which road are you on? You cannot be both. Jesus said, "You are either for me or against me." What is your choice? Which side of the line will you stand on? I feel that the end of the world is near, perhaps in the next 10 to 50 years and the time is at hand. Choose Life.

I Anyways back to my goals lol

4. Go on missions trips and tell my story publicly to as man people as I can. I have given my testimony already in Taiwan twice, India, in front of Mariners church so 8,000 people, 2,000 at each service, and I was shaking life a leaf for that. But God has worked through me already in incredible ways and I know he will continue to do so. My life is all for his glory, nothing else matters.

5. To have a family.....I have worked with kids a lot and love being around kids so I know I will be a fabulous mom. The question is only when. It still might be 5 years down the road, who knows. I feel like there is still so much God is calling me to do first, but everything in God's time. His will not my will be done.

6. While writing books, to serve at restaurants still or some job where I stay involved in the world. We are called to be in it not of it. I saw the mistake of so many Christians at Biola where they stayed in their little Biola bubble. What a waste is that when all these people with all this amazing biblical knowledge do not get out and tell the world?! The bondage that Satan kept them in, most of them, was the Calvinistic belief. I debated this in one of my classes that it cannot be that God calls some and not others, that some are just destined to hell without any choice of their own. What then is the point of evangelism? Why preach the word at all or share our story with friends in hopes that they might believe? How can God then be justified in sending some to hell and other not if we do not have a choice in the matter? And that was the lie they all believed, and that kept them in the bubble, kept them from witnessing, and kept the lamp under a bowl and not shinning. It was so sad. May God give them all eyes to see and ears to hear the truth.

7. Lastly travel to each continent. I will be in Australia in about a month but I have yet to be to Africa and South America. Those are my next stops, and maybe Europe. Italy would be nice. May God make all this happen. In his time. In his way. He is amazing and can do all things.

"Now to to him who is able to do abundantly beyond all that we ask or imagine be glory and honor and praise." Amen!

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