Saturday, October 20, 2012


Jesus did not preach on any topic more then he preached about money.  Why does the Bible say, "the love of money is the root of all evil?" 

Perhaps because money is power, and how we use money reflects the condition of our hearts.  What we spend it on says volumes about our character.  As Jesus says, "where your treasure there your heart will be also."

What do we spend our money on?  And why do we spend it on what we do?

Tithing is so crucial for the Christian to ensure that we do not let money get a hold on us.  To not give Satan a foothold.  To not let the sin of greed reign in our lives. 

I struggled with the concept of tithing for a long time.  I heard a pastor say once there are two conversions in the Christian life, the first is of the heart and the second is of the pocket book, or wallet. 

Over the last year I faithfully tithed 10% of my income to World Vision, just in their general fund on the website that says "orphans and widows."  After all what does scripture say...."Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."  (James 1:27)

I believe because I did this God blessed me with the best paying job I had ever had.  I started off making $16 an hour and ended making $15 an hour due to a change in departments, but that was amazing for me.  I always had way more money then I needed, and I knew the whole time God was blessing me with so much because I was faithful to him in giving the first fruits of my checks.  I was always so excited to log onto World Visions website and donate my 10% the day I got paid. 

It helped that I have actually seen the kids that they help.  I went to India at 14 with YWAM and actually saw a World Vision base in Guwahati.  We sang songs for the kids, did skits and taught a lesson.  They had about 50 children packed into this tiny room lol.  It was fun though, and a very enriching and enlightening experience.  It was so good so see first hand that people really are helping people out there in the world. 

I encourage all of you to give whatever you can each month to World Vision.  I think they are the best honest charity out there and do a lot of good.  But mainly give for yourself, to keep yourself from getting callous and hard.  To keep from getting indifferent and uncaring. 

"To whom much is given, much is required."  May we bless the poor with the riches God has blessed us with.  After all, we do not have it by our own doing.  God is the reason we can work and produce and succeed.  He is the reason.  Not us.  Him. 

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