Sunday, October 28, 2012

The Fall and Feminism

At the fall, Eve ate the fruit first and it was primarily her fault. :)

Thus the reason now for man being the "head" of the family as Paul states should be the case. 

He says that is how it is how it should be intrinsically, because it was Eve that was the one deceived at the fall, not Adam.  So I will explore this. 

1 Timothy 2:13-14 says, "I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man....For Adam was formed first, then Eve. 14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner."

I have heard interpretations of this that Paul could have been speaking to a particular woman in the church that may have been to dominant at that time.  However, he makes a universal statement that Adam, who stands for all men, was "not the one deceived."  It was "the woman who was deceived." 

Eve was the primary one who sinned at the fall.  Her sin was that she wanted to become like God. 

After all that was the bait that Satan threw at her right?

Women are Never Content

I was telling my grandma about this theory today and she was laughing cause she knows it's true. 

To this day women, we know this, we always want more, in everything!  We want a better house, a better spouse perhaps, a better area to live in, we wish our kids were better, wish our jobs were better.  We are never ever satisfied!

This was the sin of Eve at the fall and we continue to have this attitude to this day.  Eve wanted more.  She was not content with her current state.  She thought the grass was greener on the other side.  Women how many of you think this every day?  About everything?  Be honest with yourselves.

Men: Passivity and Idolization

And what was Adams' sin? 


He just stood there while she died essentially.  People have asked the question about the Holocaust and Hitler.  How could people just let him get away with all that?! 

Passivity.  Adam did it at the fall and men continue to be passive when they should fight for what they believe in or what they love to this day.  

Satan's lie then and now is, "You can't really do anything anyways, so just check out."

So men check out and become passive via video games or TV and let the world go on around them.

The second sin of Adam was choosing Eve over God. 

He most likely thought, "Well she's pretty hot and I don't want to be in this garden all alone."  So he ate the fruit.  But he knew EXACTLY what he was doing.

Eve was deceived, and so was gullible, as us women can still very much be.  But Adam knew that he was completely disobeying God, but he consciously chose Eve over God. 

And men to this day idolize women, and chose women over God.

Why else is the pornography industry a multi-billion dollar industry and prostitution still exists?  Because men choose women over God.

I once read that even 70% of pastors in the church struggle with pornography.

Men this should not be.

As long as you continue to do that it will greatly hinder your walk with God. 

May you pray today that God would break the chains of sexual addiction and pornography, so that you can rise up and be the godly men that all of us women need you to be.  Amen women?  Tell your men how much you need them.   

He can help you to stop, you just have to ask Him.  "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!" 

Lastly I will explore this concept of man as the head of the household.

Why did Paul say man is the head of the household? 

Let me start with God's command to husbands first.....

Husband Love Your Wives
Ephesians 5 says, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, 27 and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. 28 In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies."

So before any of you  men use Eph. 5 as an ego trip or for a way to gain control over your wives, look closely at this passage. 

Husbands are supposed to be willing to DIE for their wives.  That is a very tall order if you ask me.  He does not say wives should be willing to die for their husbands.  Did you notice that?  The husband is supposed to mirror Christ to his wife and love her "as Christ loved the church."  So you are supposed to be Jesus pretty much.  I can imagine that would be pretty hard, but it is the goal Paul set out for husbands.

A good example of someone actually doing this is Abraham Lincoln.  His wife, as most know, was the worst and most belligerent wife ever probably.  But he was always kind towards her, always patient, never abusive.  And why?  Because he was a devout follower of God, and he knew it was his command from God to love her "as Christ loves the church." 


And now the command for the ladies. :)  Eph. 5

"Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. 23 For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything."

I know women, modern day feminists, throw the whole Bible aside just because of this ONE verse.  However, note ladies, what does it say just the verse before this?  Eph. 5:21, "Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ." 

So it is not just women submitting, it is also men.  We are to submit to each other.  However, I find it comical that Paul seemed to think he needed to say it AGAIN to the ladies, because how hard is it to submit for us?  Right?

We want to do things our own way.  I know since I was two I would not, literally, let my mom brush my hair or pick out my clothes.  I have always been very stubborn, very self-sufficient, very independent.  But we are to submit to our man. 

Paul says the husband is "the head of the wife."  Why is this?  Well first of all, man was created first.  Secondly, it is true that woman was the one who was deceived and fell first. 

Satan's Lies to Women

In order to prevent us from killing ourselves spiritually Paul and God knew we would need our husbands direction to help us see the truth.  Every day Satan is sitting on the shoulder of every woman telling her stuff.  ALL DAY!  Men did you realize this was happening?  It is.

Satan is after the women relentlessly.  My theory is he does this because women have the power to bear children and greatly influence the next generation.  He knows if he can get at the future of our nation, our world, he has to infect the women with lies first.  He is a strategist and he is very, very smart.  I suppose if I were trying to take over the world I would target the women first too. 

Everyone knows the phrase, "If momma aint happy, aint nobody happy."

This phrase has very deep implications.  It means that we as women have very much influence wherever we are.  We set the tone or mood in a room.  We set the tone in a relationship.  We set the tone with our children.  If Satan can take the women down, he has taken the family down.

Thus the biggest deception from Satan to our culture, FEMINISM.  I had intended to write a book on this topic someday because, obviously, I am very passionate about it. 

I hate what feminism is doing to our culture, and we need to see the truth.  Women do not want to be working.  If we were honest with ourselves we would say, no, it was much better when we could just be stay at home moms and enjoy being with our kids all day. 

Woman's Curse

But the curse for woman at the fall was in her inter-personal relationships. 

Gen. 3 says, " To the woman He said,
“I will make your pains in childbearing very severe;
with painful labor you will give birth to children.
Your desire will be for your husband,
and he will rule over you.
The curse was in our bearing children and our relationship with our husbands.  I believe the curse in labor pains continues the whole time the child is alive.  I always say for an argument when people ask, "Why would God create us when he knew we would fall," "Why do people continue to have children when they know full well that child is going to curse them when they are a teenager."  Seriously. 
So women are cursed with great difficulty in raising children.  So now women hide at work.  The feminists want us all to think that this is the re-birth of women and we are becoming stronger.  On the contrary, we are all running now.  We are running from love, from family, from connection.  We go to the cubicle world and we feel safe there and at peace because it is so stoic. 
But women, we need to stand and fight.  Fight for our families, for our children and our husbands. 
Satan has taken the women out.  He has taken them to work.  Then they get home and they are so tired and have nothing left to give.  Thus marriages are falling apart.  Thus the divorce rate is up to 60%.  Thus children in America and all over the world are falling apart and watching MTV and there is an epidemic of teen pregnancies and STD's.  All because women wanted to go to work.  I'm serious.  I think only I can speak so plainly and boldly about this topic because I am a woman.  But I know you men have been thinking all this all along. :)   I see it all so clearly. 
Perhaps God has opened my eyes to this truth.  I pray he opens all of your eyes as well.  
Women in Prison

I love the old Disney movies because in them the princess is locked in a castle and prince charming has to charge in and save the day and slay the dragon!  Yes go men! 

Is this movie not symbolic of what is actually happening in relationships?

Satan has every woman locked in a tower, and he very much tries to keep her under his control, through fear, insecurity, whatever.... women you know what he uses on you.  (Share your struggle with your husband so that he can know how to fight for you.) 

The man then has to overcome his natural bent towards passivity and storm the castle and slay the dragon!  It is only after he does this that will he get the girl.

The problem is many marriages begin before the man has slayed the dragon, so the dragon, Satan, lives on in their marriage. 

Fight as a Team

Look at your marriage now and ask, "What is our dragon?  What needs to be slayed?"  And work on slaying Him, Satan, together.  "Two are better then one for they have a better return for their labor.  If one falls down, his friend can help him up."  That is my favorite verse in regards to a marriage.  You are a team.  Act like it. 

Women we need you men to fight for us.  God made you stronger physically and that is symbolic that you are also stronger spiritually and mentally. 

Paul does refer to women as "the weaker partner."  And yes we are.  As much as we don't like to admit it and be vulnerable, we are so so much weaker. 


May God increase our wisdom more and more on interpersonal relationships and marriage. 

May God bless you all in your marriages today and pray for him to give you eyes to see.

And women, learn to submit, learn to listen to your husbands, because often times, they actually do know better then you think you do. 

Amen?  Amen!  Grace and peace to you!  God Bless!  :)

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