Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Medications: Good or Bad? (revised)

We are a highly medicated nation. 

I might step on some toes writing this blog because many of you may be on a medication.

I grew up seeing my mom on several different anti-depressants at various times and as a result of seeing how they affected her, grew to hate medication. 

Then Roger, my late husband, died due to the mixture of his anti-anxiety medication and alcohol, so of course that made me loath it even more.

The word pharmaceutical comes from a word pharmacia which actually literally means witchcraft. 

Galatians 5:19-21:
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, and debauchery, idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. (NIV)
"The bolded word witchcraft above is the translation of the Greek word pharmacia, which refers to the usage of mind-altering drugs. It's where our words pharmacy and pharmaceuticals come from."

It has been known in the church for some time that the use of drugs can fling the door wide open to Satan in our lives.

So why do we think nothing of having drugs now? 

Yes they are prescribed by a doctor, but they are still drugs.

Dangerous Medications

Roger looked up once the benzo that he was on, Klonopin.  He found that it is as addictive as cocaine and not any better then the worst street drugs, as far as how much it affects the human body.

Some doctors are paid drug dealers.  Think about it. 

So before you agree to be prescribed anything or agree to have your child prescribed anything please proceed with caution. 

My brother was diagnosed with ADD from the time he was about 10 I think.  He was on Ritalin, which is actually very similar to speed or Meth.  As a result he was very skinny growing up. 

I believe that, if the child does not already have ADD, the medication may actually make him or her have ADD.

Watch the movie "One Flew Over the Cookoo's Nest" with Jack Nicholson.  We had to read the book my Sophomore year of High School and we watched the movie in class.  That movie brought so much truth into the light and greatly affected how I viewed the medical field. 

Anything that can do great good can also do great harm.

Mental Health

In mental health wards sometimes the drugs they give "crazy" people is what is actually making them "crazy." I saw this first hand when I worked in a group home with teens who had mental health issues.  Some of the teens had serious problems, but I believe the medications were only exacerbating the problems for them, not solving them.  What they really needed was just someone to talk to; someone to tell them they were special and loved, to tell them God had a plan for them, and to not give up hope, despite all the crap life had thrown at them. 

I could greatly identify with those girls because my life has not been a rose garden by any means.  One night I shared my testimony with the teen girls when they were all gathered together in the living room.  I said, "I have something to tell you guys.  My father sexually abused me when I was a kid too."  They were like, "What?" lol (meaning "yeah right you couldn't possibly understand what we are going through")  I was like, "Yes and I want to tell you girls that no matter what you have been through God can use you, and He will.  By the grace of God I was saved at 14, went on missions trips, got my B.A. and I am a walking example that no matter what you have been through, you will get through it.  You can still do great things.  Don't give up." 

A week later I was fired.  Odd huh. 

Psychology wants to take God out of everything.  "If we give them a pill they will be OK."  No they will not.  God is the cure.  In some situations, he is the ONLY cure. 

God Has Plans For Us

God says, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and future."  That is all those kids needed to hear.  That is all anyone needs to hear that is struggling with anxiety or depression. 

Also remember, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!"  Amen? :) 


Another good movie regarding the medical field, "The Fugitive." In that movie when Harrison Ford tries to uncover the corruption of a pharmaceutical company they kill his wife for it.  Interesting isn't it.  No it was not based on a true story, but all stories have some truth to them.

A real life example of that would be birth control.  Some forms of birth control, even though they know it has horrible side effects, still continued to be on the market. 

I would just be very careful of swallowing any pill that is not a multi-vitamin, honestly.

Scripture says, "Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit.  You are not your own, you were bought at a price."  Therefore, it is important to God how we treat our bodies and what we put in them. 


The most dangerous aspect of taking any kind of medication is that it causes the body and the mind to go through waves.  I have experienced this at various times when I have been addicted to coffee lol.  Coffee, like drugs or medication, can you bring you way up and then way down when the high wears off.  It can create a very unstable mind and mood.

I certainly am not advocating quitting any medication cold turkey.  Many people die that way, so please do not try to do that.  It has to be a very, very, small, gradual progression of cutting the pills down till they are almost dust. 

A case study: Roger's mom was on Adavan for sleeping.  She realized that she was becoming more and more dependent on the drug and she had to take higher and higher doses just to get to sleep at night.  She prayed about it and felt God was telling her to get off of it.  Then she raved about how much better she feels now that she is off of it completely.  She loves that she no longer has to depend on it. 


I also have some concerns about vaccinations. Some parents have noticed that their child developed autism after getting vaccinated. Why is this? Do the vaccinations possibly cause autism?

I wouldn't rule it out as impossible. It is possible. Could it be that there is a drug in the vaccination that could open a door to Satan and so cause mental instability, this is also possible.

And do any of you consider how odd the flu shot is? I have never gotten the flu shot but have been fine. I did not think anything of it until my brother said the only time he had to go to the ER was after a flu shot. Strange don't you think?

I have a theory that not many people agree with, but I think schizophrenia is actually just modern day possession. People in Jesus' day were possessed. Why do we not think people can be possessed now?

Instead of giving them more medications, why not literally try to exorcise the demons. I'm serious. Things like that still happen today. If you or someone you know is possibly oppressed by a demon, try this. Say, "By the power and blood of Jesus Satan be gone." And see what happens.  

Jesus says in Luke 10, “I saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. 19 I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you."

He was speaking to his disciples here, but we are also his disciples. This applies just as much to us today as it applied to them.

In Acts 1 he says, "You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Also, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains!"  So have faith. :)


Satan's greatest deception to Americans is to convince us all everything is medical, everything can be explained away by science.  But can it? No. Another good movie on this topic, "The Exorcism of Emily Rose." (but ignore the parts about Mary in that movie) lol :)

The overall intent in me writing this is to encourage you to go to God for help before going to a doctor. Recognize that God is more powerful than anything or anyone and he CAN heal whatever ailment (physical, mental or emotional) that you or a friend might have. He does not always, but he CAN. Just believe.

A church I recommend to any of you; River Church in Costa Mesa. They have a healing service from 7-9 every Wednesday (not this coming wed. though). The Bible says that some do have the spiritual gift of healing and I think some at this church have that. 

Also a book I recommend for you to read on this subject, "The Bondage Breaker." I have gone through it a few times. It asks you to go through a series of prayers to break any bonds Satan may have in your life due to a generational curse, "the sins of the father....up to the 7th generation," or ways that you unknowingly have opened a door to Satan in your life.
Anyways, these are all just theories and thoughts, just things to consider and pray about. 

Do not always trust that the doctors are right or that they know what they are doing.

I think the public's eyes were definitely opened to this realization in the death of Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston and Heath Ledger.  All three were on prescription drugs. 

Think about it.

Grace and peace be with you :)  Amen :)

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