Wednesday, September 9, 2015

All Christians Are Created Equal

I'm so tired of leader worship in the church.  The fact is, every single one of us would be nothing without Jesus and we are ALL everything with Him.  We can all do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength.  Amen?  Every single Christian has the exact same Holy Spirit inside of them.  Every single Christian is capable of the exact same things.  Some have different gifts but no gifts is better than any other and no Christian is better than any others.  In God's eyes, we are all equal. 
For anyone to boast about anything would be so silly, because it is God who moves in us to do ANYTHING good that we ever do.  Amen?

I would even venture to say that ANYTHING that Paul did in the Bible, any of us can do.  Any of us can plant churches.  Any of us can write letters.  Any of us could suffer and be in prison for Christ and keep a good attitude.  Paul was not some god.  He was just a man like all of us are.  He had to learn to be content.  He had to learn everything that he did, the same way that all of us do.  And NO Christian leader alive today is some god.  None of them can understand the Bible better than you, if you are a Christian, because we all have the same Holy Spirit inside of us.  So don't think that any leader knows something that you don't.  If you just ask God for wisdom and eyes to see, He will give the same wisdom to you that they might have.  Amen!

Really none of us should need teachers to teach us because the Holy Spirit teaches us all things, but God gives them to us to help us learn more.  But we can learn all of the same things on our own just from what God reveals to us when we pray and ask Him to. 

This dependence on leaders and teachers annoys me so much because it has caused SO MANY  people to fall into false doctrines and false teachings.  Yes teachers can be great to listen to, but you can't believe completely everything that any of them say.  They do not have the final authority on anything; God does.  Amen. 

You have to learn to look things up for yourself.  No human being alive is perfect and no teacher is perfect, even though they might like to think they are. :)  No human being alive can understand 100% of the Bible perfectly, because we are all limited human beings in our understanding.  If anyone claims to have a 100% grasp on every single verse in the Bible then they are seriously deceived and incredibly arrogant.  No one can. 

For someone to say they know exactly what it means when Jesus says, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can tell this mountain be thrown into the sea and it will" would be silly.  The fact is, we can't literally tell mountains to be thrown into the sea.  So figuring out what that means can be difficult.  What exactly was Jesus talking about?  It's hard to say really. 

And there are many verses like that, about faith and other topics, that are a bit hard to understand.  The only thing we can do is pray that God will give us eyes to see to understand things as best as we can. 

But I think God made the Bible so hard to understand in some things SO THAT we would keep reading it and discussing it.  It's definitely not clear cut what some things mean. 

Jesus even admitted that he DIDN'T want people to fully understand him and all the things he said.  He said in Mt. 13:13, "This is why I speak to them in parables: 'Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand.' "  Interesting isn't it?  And most of us don't understand 100% of what each parable means. 

I suppose God also did this to humble us.  So that we would always be reminded that HE ALONE IS GOD and we are not.  Amen. :)  We can't fully understand Him or what he said because "His ways are higher than our ways."  We can understand basic things, like that Jesus died for us, but those are the elementary teachings of the Word.  The higher things can be harder to fully grasp, like what is faith and what is the purpose of prayer?   Such things we will always keep learning about our entire lives, which can be frustrating but also exciting. 

So never stop learning.  Never stop studying your Bible.  Never stop discussing it.  And always keep an open mind on what things might mean, because the more people we talk to from different walks of life and different denominations, the more we can learn about different concepts in the Bible.  Always be open to different kinds of teaching but test all of them against the Word too.  Amen.  May God bless you!  :)

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