Thursday, September 10, 2015

Church Racism

There is a lot of church racism in the church, and by that I mean there is a lot of in-fighting within the church. By church I mean the global worldwide church that includes all denominations. Because of this in-fighting it causes our focus to be more on each other than on reaching the lost, which is of course not good.

The cause of this I'm sure is Satan. Satan hates when people are unified, so he keeps causing one denomination to point out the differences with another denomination so they will not be as effective for Christ. Our fighting and trying to prove who is right renders us completely ineffective to be a good witness for Christ. Why would the lost want to join in all the drama that we as the church have? I'm sure most of them say, "No thank you. I prefer to not have drama in my life."

What if our focus was not on fighting with each other, or saying whose beliefs are better or right, and the focus was instead on reaching the lost? How much would that change the church and the world? A lot I would think.

Satan is sitting back and laughing because he has gotten us to take our focus off of the Great Commision and to rather compete with each other all the time. Competing over spiritual gifts or over who does more for Christ or who has more faith etc. But does it any of that really matter? Isn't the point just that any of us are doing anything for Christ and we should rejoice when anyone does?

Does it really matter what tiny, minor doctinal issues one denomination might have from another one? Not really. All that matters is that we all believe in Jesus right? All that matters is that we are meant to spread the good news to anyone we can that Jesus died for all people right? Yes.

So hopefully someday we can all lay our differences aside and focus on what really matters. Maybe someday we can focus on what we have in common rather than on how we differ.

Jesus said, "By this all men will know that you are my disciples; if you LOVE one another." Are we doing a good job at loving each other? As a whole, no, I don't think so. So wake up church! Start loving each other, like really loving each other.

This is why I have always been all for non-denominational churches. I really don't think any church should have a denominational title. Did they have denominations in the early church? No! It was all just one totally unifed and wonderfully blessed and happy church. So who came up with the idea of denominations? And why? It has only caused the church strife and discord.

It is all quite silly really. Denominations cause people to pay more attention to the teachings of man rather than the Bible. Then the focus is too much on what the founders of "our denomination" said rather than on what Jesus said! That is just terrible.

Paul said, "Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace." Amen.

JUST like there can be racism among people of different races, there is among church people of different denominations. We need to stop comparing. We need to stop thinking that anyone is better or worse than anyone else. No one is. Without Christ we would all be lost and destined for hell. Amen? Amen.

So may God help us figure out what it means to TRULY love one another. May God help us to be truly unifed. May we defeat Satan's lies and attempts to split us up as the body of Christ. "I have a dream" that one day the church will be united. Amen! May God, and us, make it happen. May God bless you all!

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