Monday, September 28, 2015

On Imaginary Friends

I was thinking of a movie I saw as a kid.  It was called "Drop Dead Fred."  It was about a woman who had had an imaginary friend as a child that kind of stuck with her into adulthood but she eventually got rid of him. 

I realized that in all my jobs with kids, I've probably worked with about 500 kids over the last 16 years, never once did I see a kid talking to someone who wasn't there.  Praise God too cause that probably would have freaked me out. :)

But I think there is something to the concept of imaginary friends.  I think it's possible when it happens that a kid could be literally seeing and talking to a demon, as creepy as that sounds. Of course it depends on if they are literally seeing someone and hearing someone or if they really are just making up that a person is there. 

But like in cases of Schizophrenia too, I think such people are actually seeing and hearing what they think are people, but they are demons.  Every time I watch "A Beautiful Mind" I think how those people probably were there, they were just demons. 

Demons don't always look like Hollywood depicts them as looking.  Just in the same way that we can "entertain angels unaware" because some angels look like normal human beings, so do some demons also look like normal human beings.  That's another really good reason to always have your discernment antennas up when you go anywhere, because you literally never know if a person that you are seeing is just a normal person or a literal demon.  So be on your guard. 

In the Bible, several times people were mistaken and thought that angels were just men, because they looked like just men.  Demons are fallen angels.  Therefore, some of them can also look like just men. 

So always be on your guard, as Paul says.  May God give us all discernment on this.  Amen.  God bless! :)

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