Sunday, September 6, 2015

How Satan Tries to Steal Our Children

I'm watching the old 101 Dalmatians movie with my daughter. I'm thinking Walt Disney meant for the movie to be symbolic of how Satan tries to steal our children, like how Cruela very sadly steals the puppies in the movie. :(


I wonder in what all ways Disney knew that Satan tries to get to our kids? Walt Disney seemed to know a lot about spiritual attack and spiritual warfare I think. You can tell through how he depicts the villains in every Disney movie, which were all meant to be symbolic I'm sure of Satan and his demons.


Sexual abuse would be an obvious way that Satan tries to steal our kids, by stealing away their innocence and joy. But there is also drugs, which most teens get into a bit. Also sexual relationships and broken hearts which leads to teen suicide sometimes. Alcohol, over eating etc. Satan's schemes to "steal, kill and destroy" are many. And he starts on our children as young as he can.


Now we have little girls wearing make up way too early, so he gets little girls into the beauty lie, that women have to look a certain way to be loved etc. Satan gets to our little boys through video games. I think parents aren't monitoring enough what games their little boys are playing. The game World of Warcraft has borderline witchcraft it in and KIDS are playing it. :( We don't realize how powerful such games can be on a person's mind. Also books and movies like Harry Potter can be very dangerous too, because it gets kids interested in magic and witch craft, which is very, very scary.


I suppose those are the two biggest and most common ploys of Satan, video games to get in the minds of boys and fashion and make up to get in the minds of our little girls. :(


Video games can make little boys violent and disrespectful of authority. The beauty lie makes little girls grow up insecure and more likely to get into eating disorders and hurting their body. Then girls learn to hate themselves if they don't look a certain way so they cut themselves or get into alcohol or drugs to forget about how small they feel about themselves.


Yes, that is how Satan tries to steal our children. He tries to steal their joy for girls and for boys, their ability to be upstanding citizens and good leaders someday. :( Stupid Satan!


May God help America and kids all around the world and protect them from Satan's evil schemes. And try to protect any kids you know from witchcraft in video games, movies and books and little girls from the lies of fashion. Amen! God bless!

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