Sunday, September 6, 2015

Peace Be with You

"Make every effort to live in peace with everyone." -Hebrews 12:14

Related verses: "So far as it depends on you, live at peace with all men." "Make every effort to keep the unity of the spirit in the bond of peace."

Paul starts out all his letters to the churches with "grace and peace to you." Why? Because those are the two things we need the most. Peace is so absent in the world. That is why the appeal of drugs and alcohol is so strong. Even smoking can give someone peace for about 10 minutes, but it quickly wears off. I know because yes I have smoked before. :) But what about the peace that passes understanding? The only true and lasting peace that anyone can have is in being a child of God. There is no lasting peace that the world can offer in any substance or person or thing. Jesus said, "My peace I leave with you." Only God can give us true peace.

What gives us peace as Christians? The main things is knowing that when we die, we will be in heaven. That is the greatest source of peace for a Christian. Then we can say with Paul "Death, where is your sting?" Death doesn't have any sting when we know where we are going after we die. A Christian can almost say, "bring it on." Like Paul says, "To live is Christ but to die is gain" because then we will be with God. Amen. Also just knowing that the God of the universe, who has all power at his disposal, actually cares about us and wants to take care of us gives peace to the mind. What could give a person more peace than that? Amen. :)

Jesus said, "Who of you by worrying can add a single day to your life?" And he said God takes care of nature and animals so he will also take care of us. Amen. Paul said, "My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus." Also David said that God has never let the righteous, or his children, go hungry. That is so true. If you are God's child, you know that God is and will always take care of you and everything that you need. It's not your job or another person or your savings account that is taking care of you, it's God. That is why the greatest peace that anyone can have is in being a child of God. Amen. :)

So since we have this peace, we can then be at peace with others. We have received peace from God and so we can give peace to others. Instead of acting like everyone else owes us something, we know that God is supplying all our needs, so we don't need much from others. Peace is hardest when you think you need something from someone else. Like James says you don't have so you fight and quarrel to get it etc. But when our needs are met, there is no need to fight with others. We rely on God, not other people, to meet our needs. Amen. Therefore, there is no need to fight with others.

We also fight with others due to our own pride. We want to be right. But how much does it all matter in the end really? Not much, in the grand scheme of things. Knowing that God is caring for you and humility are the two major cornerstones to maintaining peace in your own mind and with others. Amen.

So may God's peace be with you. Keep the peace. And Trust that God will meet all your needs so you can always be at peace. Amen. God bless!

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