Sunday, September 20, 2015

Jeffrey Dahmer

Here's something odd. After looking into the traits of a serial killer today, because I read there are similar traits between serial killers and child molesters, there was a show on TV shortly after called "Confessions of a Serial Killer." It was an interview with Jeffrey Dahmer and with each of his parents. What's really crazy is he's Christian now, or at least it genuinely seems like he converted. He said his dad gave him some Creation Science videos, Kent Hovind's I'm guessing, and that made him finally believe in God. Before he just believed in evolution and he thinks that was the main reason why he did what he did. Because if we believe all humans came from soup we don't have any value. 
Also his mom was interviewed. Apparently she had a lot of seizures when she was pregnant with him. She was prescribed a lot of medications and was even given shots of morphine when she had her seizures. That obviously could have had a major effect on his developing brain.
Also his parents fought a lot, which messed him up as a kid and made him have a lot of anger.
Not that there is any excuse for what he did, and he takes full responsibility for it, but it's interesting to see what may have led up to him doing what he did. 
His dad claims Jeff was never sexually abused, but the odds are that he was. He was homosexual and only went after male victims. Most of the time when men become homosexual it was because they were sexually abused by a man at some point. 
Also it sounds like he may have been into witchcraft. I think he was probably full blown possessed when he was killing the men and boys. He said he used to watch Exorcist 3 before killing people, so to any of who you who like watching horror movies, DON'T. It can really mess with your head. 

I can kind of tell this as well because of a testimony I saw of a guy who was into Santeria.  He talks about how he would run out in the street and get blood from people who were just shot.  He would use this in his ceremonies and Satanic rituals.  Sometimes he would drink the blood, because he said it gave him power.  This was the same thing that Jeffrey Dahmer said about eating parts of his victims. 

Here is that testimony....
Jeff said the progression to just seeing people as objects was what happened first. He looked at porn a lot so I'm sure that had something to do with that mindset. 
His ultimate motive was to have complete control over a person. Because he felt like things were so out of control in his childhood. His parents' constant arguments made him very angry as a kid and very insecure. 
It sounds like his dad was messed up in some ways as well. As a kid his dad would fantasize about killing boys that would pick on him and he liked starting fires etc. He was also very shy and introverted the same way that Jeff was.

His mom was definitely an atheist. She said that after she found it all out she asked "the universe" why all that would happen and didn't get an answer. When people say "the universe" that means they obviously don't believe in God. 
His dad admits that he had fallen from his faith in the time of raising Jeff. He says he thinks that was a main reason for Jeff getting into what he did. He wishes that he would have instilled a belief in God with him as a child. 
So, very interesting for sure. He didn't say too much about witchcraft in his interviews, but I'm sure there was more of that.
His last victim was quoted as saying that Jeff's face contorted when he was about to kill him so that he was almost not recognizable. Sounds like possession to me. And the prescription drugs that his mom was on while pregnant with him probably opened a door to demons in him even as an unborn infant. It sounds like maybe she was possessed somewhat as well, with how angry she got in his parent's arguments. 
I don't think people in their normal selves would do things like what he did. I think only someone who was possessed would, and possession happens when doors are opened to Satan. The main way doors are opened is through drugs, which is why I am very anti any form of continued use of drugs, prescription or not.

Here was the interview....

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