Thursday, September 10, 2015

Using Time Wisely

I'm watching Joyce Meyer pretty much 24/7 on YouTube now, which is great because I don't feel like I'm wasting my time anymore. TV can be relaxing but I almost always feel like it's a huge waste of time watching it. I've seen just about every episode by now of King of Queens and Fresh Prince lol. :) I like watching HGTV about people looking for houses, but then I literally just get jealous that people get to buy a beautiful house on the beach or by a lake. :) Someday hopefully we will get to buy such a wonderful house. But all in God's timing.

It's hard to find useful things to do with our time I think. I think my writing is useful, as least I hope it is. It is good for me to do, regardless of if it benefits others or not. I have been writing tons ever since I was about 12 so writing has always been the thing that brings me the most joy.

I wonder what would make you, reader, feel the most fulfilled. Everyone has different gifts. Everyone has different good things they enjoy that God built them to enjoy.

One of the best selling books of all time was "The Purpose Driven Life." Why? I think because we all want to feel like our lives have purpose and meaning.

Joyce is saying in a sermon now about using our time wisely. She said how God never told us to be busy; he told us to be fruitful. And often times when we are busy, we are not able to be fruitful. That is so true. Because when we are rushed and in a hurry we are often more rude to others. And when we fill our schedules with stuff we don't leave very much time for God.

I remember doing a skit with some girls at a camp about how Jesus is just sitting in our living room waiting to talk to us, but we are constantly running in and out of the door. We constantly just wave at Jesus and say, "Sorry I'm too busy to talk to you right now." And Jesus looks all sad and rejected.

I think God really can feel rejected by us. We like to think that he doesn't care about how much we talk to him, but he does. He wants to be in a relationship with us. He isn't needy; he doesn't NEED us. But he wants to have time with us. He wants to talk to us and for us to talk to him. But when we are always running around like a chicken with our head cut off, we tend to ignore God. That is very sad. :(

So make time for God, and make time for people who matter most. Try to use the extra time you have to fulfill the Great Commission with whatever gift God has given you. For some it's giving food to the homeless. For some it's helping out at church. For others it's sharing their story with a friend. For other's it's writing etc. May God give you wisdom on how to use your time the best you can. Amen. God bless!

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