Saturday, September 19, 2015

Brian Houston: Live Love Lead

I love this interview. It's about a book that Brian Houston, pastor of Hillsong church, just wrote. Like it literally was just released this month.  Pretty cool. :) The book has a lot of his testimony in it. His story is somewhat similar to mine. I'm excited to read it. :)

It's funny how Brian Houston seems ultra confident when he gives a sermon but in interviews he seems kind of nervous and awkward. It's the same with Joel Osteen too actually. They have to get their game face on when they're preaching I guess. But naturally I think they are both somewhat shy and introverted. How cute. :)

My story is somewhat like Brian Houston's; we both have child molesting fathers. He says in the interview that he didn't find o...ut about it all until he was 45 and he went through a time of PTSD and depression due to the knowledge of that. He was saying that is probably the worst thing you can find out about your father. And yes, it probably is, aside from someone's dad being a serial killer I guess. Poor guy. :(  I wonder if it was better in my case to always know what my dad was like. As opposed to him growing up seeing his dad a totally different way and then finding out the truth about him. That would be quite shocking.

I find it interesting that his dad was an Assembly of God pastor at the time when he was molesting children. He molested tons of kids over a period of 10 years. Pretty crazy. But I wonder if something about that denomination causes things like that more. It's something to do with power I think. People typically molest children because they want to feel powerful. It is those who are the most insecure that do such things. There also seems to be a draw to people into Assemblies of God churches for power. They promise power to the believer, healing power etc. hm. Very interesting to say the least. And likewise my dad was involved in something called "the local church." It was somewhat similar to charismatic, assembly of God churches actually.

But praise God that Brian Houston was able to overcome after finding out about his father. And praise God for the amazing church leader that he is today! :) And for the awesome worship music that comes out of his church, which is no doubt inspired by his great sermons. :)  May he continue to grow and influence the world for Jesus! Amen!

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