Friday, September 25, 2015

How Control is Linked to Satan

Some may not like hearing about Jeffery Dahmer, but hearing his life story is pretty interesting.  There are several interviews with him where he very rationally tries to explain why he did what he did.  I think, as Christians, we can't really fight evil unless we understand it. 

The reason that Dahmer murdered several people and did what he did was that he wanted to have total control over his victims.  I think there is something about control, and anytime we try to have control over other people, that is actually very demonic and satanic.

I have heard that control is a spirit of witchcraft, which makes sense because people do witchcraft in order to have control over other people. 

Any time someone has tried to control me, it has seemed very evil.  There definitely seems to be another spirit there with them or in them influencing them to try to control me.  I think innately we all know that other people are not supposed to control us, only God is.  Only God should have complete and total control over anyone.  If another person does have control over you, then they are an idol and they are taking the place of God in your life.

Satan loves to have control over us though.  He does this through sin.  Once we sin it can develop into an addiction and a compulsion.  We can give our minds and hearts over to Satan and Satan can pull strings like a puppet on us and make us do whatever he wants.  This is harder for him with believers, but Satan can still control the minds of believers to an extent, if we let him. 

Satan also causes us to do this with others I think.  If Satan can't control a person directly through sin, he will try to get other people to have control over them.  It is very key that we all understand that I think.  Because it is vital that you don't let anyone have control over you.  Because it might very well be Satan trying to control you through them.  Scary thought but it's possible.  :(

Of course there are relationships like child to parent and spouse relationships where there is an element of control.  But when someone becomes "controlling," it can become demonic I think.  There is a big difference between having control and being controlling.  When someone completely disregards the will of another and tries to force them to do something, through anger, fear, manipulation etc. that can become very demonic.

To control someone is the opposite of loving them, because control involves fear and "perfect love casts out all fear."  Amen. 

To control is to be completely consumed with self and what YOU yourself want.  To control is to totally disregard what the other person wants. 

Leadership is not about controlling others.  Leadership is about leading by example and showing others what is best to do, but it is not forcing or manipulating others to do certain things.  There are leaders like that, and they are called fascist or communists. 

Good leadership gives people freedom.  Good leadership allows people to make their own choices.  Good leadership is not controlling.  When there are good leaders, people want to comply out of love.  Therefore such leaders do not need to use fear to force compliance. 

Be careful of trying to control anyone else.  Understand that the root cause of wanting to control others is selfishness.  Seek to let people be free in all things.  Let God be God to them, and not you.  Amen. :)  God bless!

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