Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Don't Be a Miser

"It is no wonder that the word miserable comes from the word miser."  Amen.  -Rick Warren

Jesus said "whoever wants to save his life WILL loose it."  The more we try to hold on to our time, our money, our energy, our talents etc. the more miserable we will be. 

Often times people don't serve others because they think it will cause them more stress, but the opposite is true.  It is in giving that we receive.   It is more blessed to give then to receive.  As in it will make you much more happy to give of your money, energy, time, talents etc. than to just receive things from someone else. 

Don't be a miser.  Don't cling so tightly to anything you have or own.  We are to hold everything, our whole lives, out with an open hand to God.  As Jesus took a few loaves and fish and multiplied it, so he can take anything that we give to Him or to others and multiply it.  But if we give nothing, he can't do anything with our lives or in the lives of those around us. 

The more greedy we are, the more miserable we are.  The more our focus is on ourselves, the more miserable and depressed we are. 

The more we think about how to make other people happy, the more happy we will be. 

If your recurring question is simply "What can I do to make myself happy today?" you will NEVER actually be happy.  If your continuing thought is, "How can I make someone else happy today?"  Then you will find happiness.  Like Mother Theresa, the more we serve, the more at peace we will be and the more joy we will experience in life.  Amen.

Happiness is elusive; the more we chase after it, the more unattainable it is.  But the more we chase after service and seek to serve others, the more we will then find happiness.  Amen.

So go find someone else to serve today!  Like the book "The Giving Tree," give yourself away, and then you will be happy.  :)

God bless!

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