Sunday, September 6, 2015

On Prayer

What is prayer? What is the purpose of prayer?

I've been having some interesting discussions with a friend about prayer lately, and it occurred to me that maybe a lot of Christians are confused about prayer. So here's my thoughts on the subject.

Prayer is mainly just about maintaining a relationship with God, not getting God to do what you want him to do. It's just like calling your mom or a friend on the phone. It's just about connecting and maintaining a bond.

Also, think about it, in the Lord's prayer, which Jesus gave us as a model for how our prayers should go, Jesus just asked for very simple things. Also they were all already things that God WANTS to do. God already wants to "lead us not into temptation." God already wants to make his "kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven." God already wants to forgive us, if we just ask for it. And God already wants to provide us with our daily bread. But Jesus literally just told us to ask for our daily bread. That is not very much AT ALL. He didn't say ask for a car or a raise or whatever else the prosperity preachers preach. He said just ask for your daily bread. That's it!

Prayer is not like writing some long list of our wishes to Santa Clause, it's just about having a conversation with God. It's venting to God about things you are stressing about. It's feeling like and knowing that someone up there cares and is listening 24/7. Yes God's presence is always with you. Of course it is. And that is why we pray, because He is ALWAYS there right beside us and He is ALWAYS listening. Woot! Praise God that he cares for us! And that is what faith is, just believing that God cares about you. Amen. God bless!

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