Saturday, June 4, 2022


 This past year has been a year of death. I finally was able to let my crazy relationship with my ex die. My co worker Michael died. My best friend lost both her mom and dad this year. My friendship with my mom has mostly died. It was generally dead most of my life anyways so that was no surprise or big loss. It was like all my friends at Papa John's died because I quit. I couldn't take the heat so I got out of the kitchen. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Things got a ton harder there after Michael died. My bunny died in this crazy Texas heat. :( That was creepy to come outside and find him dead. I died this year many times inside. It was one of the hardest years of my life. When is Jesus coming back? ๐Ÿ˜ช When....

But after most storms there is a rainbow. I am now finally living in my rainbow. God has given me a time of relaxation and recovery and peace. I want to try a new job but am somewhat timid about it because what if it does not work out? Then that would be another group of friends that died. ๐Ÿ˜ฃ Please pray for me on when the best time for me to work again would be. 

Loss is never easy. But we lick our scars for a season and eventually open our heart again to new people, new adventures and a new life. 

I just had a dream I was jumping out of a plane. The fall was easy, in my dream, and the landing was fun. This year has felt just as adventurous and mind bending as jumping out of a plane. 

Has someone you knew died this year? You will be ok. God will be with you through that storm. He will hold the umbrella over your head and cry with you. He hurts when you hurt. God did not mean to cause you pain, but some transitions simply have to happen. This too shall pass and you will get out of this storm stronger and wiser. Pain cannot last forever. Residual, low level pain often does, but extreme pain comes and goes. The sun will shine again and you will be happy again and life will go on as it always has. Maybe your life will get even better. Maybe the death was meant to open the door to a new, better and happier life for you. Hope for the future. You never know what great things God still has for you to do. Don't give up. Keep holding on. All things work together for the good for those who love God. 

May God bless you! 

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