Saturday, June 25, 2022

When Things Fall Apart

 I have seen 3 movies about divorce. Mrs. Doubtfire, A Marriage Story and The Story of Us. There is always lots of yelling and disrespect in those movies. You can't yell at your spouse and stay married, generally. But what you see as a kid, you often repeat in your own marriage. My parents had some crazy fights, so then I had some crazy fights with my ex. If I could go back in time I would have just gone to get a smoothie instead of yell at my ex. Maybe that would have worked. Maybe. 😣

For some reason couples forget to be careful with each other. They both start to assume that the other person will always be there. To assume makes an ass out of you and me, my dad always used to say. Don't ever assume your marriage will last no matter what you do or say. You have to show each other respect. You have to hug and kiss each other often. You have to cuddle and show affection. I recommend sex every day, but each couple has their own preference. The more you talk, the more you desire each other. Never stop inventing new foods to make for each other. Keep life interesting for them. Women, dress more sexy. Men, dress nicer. Don't forget about each other when the kids are around. I know it's very hard to focus on each other still, but you have to try hard, or else you begin to fall out of love. 

Kids always blame themselves for a divorce but it usually is not the kids' fault at all. It is the ego and pride and stubborn nature of the parents. They refuse to accept help or guidance from each other. One or both think they will be fine on their own. Or they think their mate is better off without them. In some cases that is true. My anxiety greatly improved after I separated from my ex husband. He went insane and it started making me feel insane too. It was like the rain finally stopped and I could see the sun again. 

Marriage is hard. Divorce is even harder. But I have always said "Better to have loved and lost then to have never loved at all." At least it was a fun ride while it lasted. But all good things come to an end, or so we are told. 

At some point you get tired of loosing every great relationship you begin and you get smarter. That is the phase I am in now. Hopefully I will be smarter this time around. Pray for me. Thanks all. 😃

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