Thursday, June 2, 2022

Self Pity

 Stop feeling sorry for yourself. Your life is a LOT better then you realize. Be thankful. 

I have a bad migraine today and I certainly am feeling sorry for myself. I tried 2 baths, Advil, chocolate, 2 naps but it keeps hanging on. My head hurts so bad that if someone wanted to shoot me right now I literally would say yes please! And thank you! My headache always gets pretty severe when pollens in the air activate it. Any time it rains it is like wow. What the heck is up with my head? 😭 Thank God I live in a desert now and it only rains like 5 days a year. 😊

I have asked God several times why he lets me get such bad migraines. He says it is to make me stronger. 😣 I have also asked him why lots of bad things happened to me as a kid. God always says, "I'm sorry, but things could have been worse. I protected you more then you realize." 

I know why my migraine happened today. To prepare me for my future. I hope to have a huge ministry someday. This blog is a start, but I want to have a huge affect on the whole world. I've always said I want to be the next Joyce Meyer. Someday. πŸ˜€ Someday I will do great things! I believe. 

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