Saturday, August 5, 2023

Beware of Child Molesters

 So many people put up with a lot in the name of love. One person thinks the other will never ever run away, and so they do anything they want to do. 

One such person was my step-dad. He, I am very sure, molested my oldest daughter. He is currently going on a Hawaii cruise with my mom. Is that fair? No not at all. He should not get to have such a great life still considering what he did. He ruined my entire family. He ruined my life. But he still gets to cruise to Hawaii. God tells us to forgive though right? Yes, he does. So I will try. 😣

I realized just now he is probably trying to get the love back with my mom. Their honeymoon was in Hawaii 20 years ago. I am sure their love died, at least somewhat after he decided to molest my daughter. My mom attempted suicide a few times after that. I remember thinking how bad that must have made my step-dad feel. But of course she would want to do that. He caused her to lose everything, her entire family. But hey maybe a Hawaii cruise will take all that pain away right? Who knows. 

No matter how hard we all try, we cannot let some things go. Here I am 4 years later still writing about what he did, and still feeling bitter about it. I lost a lot thanks to him. My ex went crazy. I lost my daughters. I lost my new house. It wasn't just his fault, but it was mostly his fault. My perfect world ended thanks to him.

Don't ever trust men around your children, unless it is their dad, and even then be careful. My dad told my mom he shouldn't give me baths anymore. She chose to ignore that. I don't know why he, as the dad, was giving me baths in the first place. That is the mom's job. But that is how childhood abuse of any kind happens. The mom neglects the kid, and the child is left out in the open. Then they are abused in every way possible.

Moms, keep your kids close to you. Don't let just anyone take care of them. "Be as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves," Jesus said. We can get so naive because we would never do the things child predators would do, so we don't see it coming. We think they are good because we are good, but not everyone is as good as you. There is so much evil is this world, it is crazy. You might think, "God would never allow that to happen to my child." Sadly, God lets a lot of things happen. 

In conclusion, I can only hope I will get to go on a fun Hawaii cruise someday. If my child molesting step-dad gets to do that, I sure better get to. For now I am happy to enjoy my nice, happy home with my nice bf and my cute baby and sweet kittens. I have all I want for now and that is great. God has given me back what I lost. Maybe this next situation will turn out to be even better than what I had before. I shall see. 

May God bless you all. 

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