Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Skinny or Sick?

 "Scarlett Johansson has criticized the media for promoting an image that causes unhealthy diets and eating disorders among women." Good job to her. 😁👏

3 people who got strangely skinny to the point of looking super sick were Justin Bieber, Michael Jackson and Celine Dion. Also Sandra Bullock looked overly thin in her last movie. I was somewhat proud of her for getting that thin but also it can be sad. Why does our culture think women have to be a size 2 to look cool or sexy? Why is it sexy to look like you hate food? 😂

I suppose it looks sexy because the thought is you burn all the calories you eat by getting it on or cleaning your home. Men love a woman who likes sex and a clean home. That is why skinny bodies are appealing. 

But then so many of us women feel like we can't eat so we can look hot like Hollywood actresses. 

I wonder if I work again if I will gain or lose weight. I would hope to lose weight, but if I get free food I'll probably gain weight. 😂😁 

Ladies don't worry if you aren't a size 2. The good men don't care. At least they shouldn't care. It can be a spirit of death that leads women to starve themselves. Don't do that. Stay alive and healthy and looking well. Don't try to lose tons of weight too fast. It will only hurt you in the long run. 

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