Monday, August 14, 2023

Turning Red

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The title of the movie made me know it was about anger. I worked in a group home for a season. One of the teen girls beat up her mom. I didn't believe she did it, because she seemed so nice. She told me when it happened she could just see red. I suppose that was due to a spirit of wrath. Thank God that has never happened to me. 

 Turning Red was the most intense cartoon movie I have ever seen. The mom turning into a gigantic pissed off panda, wow. I suppose all moms seem a bit crazy at times. That was a good enactment of how it feels when your own mama bear gets angry. 😟 I was very scared of my mom sometimes in my youth. I always wondered if she got possessed at times. 

I found it ironic that it was supposed to be about Toronto. There was a demonic revival about 15 years ago called "The Toronto Blessing." People who were involved in it literally got possessed and wanted to say it was via the Holy Spirit. No, it was definitely demonic. Todd Bentley came from that "revival." In his book about that "movement" he wrote about a person slithering across the ground like a snake. Then in the movie there was a major theme of demons and witchcraft. There must be a lot of witchcraft happening in Canada. 😣😒

The movie also reminded me of my junior high days. I was raised in church, so I wanted to be the perfect daughter, just like the girl in the movie. But I had a wild side that also came out for the first time in junior high. 

My parents divorced when I was 10, so I have always figured that was the cause of my wild behavior. I started smoking at age 12. I drank and got drunk a bit. My friends were mostly high school guys so that was why. I snuck out at night a few times and had tons of fun. 😊

Then my mom and I moved and the party was over. That was most likely good though, because if I stayed on that path I might be in prison now. 😲😣 Thank God for my grandma. She helped me become a model citizen. πŸ‘Ό She made me believe I could change the entire world! 

I keep trying to. Maybe someday my efforts will cause a ripple effect that will cause a world wide God fearing revival! ⛪ May God bless my efforts. 

You should try changing the world too. What do you wish the world looked like? πŸ€”

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