Monday, August 14, 2023

Don't Pray to Die

 So 5 months ago I prayed to die. I was pregnant and hated being pregnant. My heartburn was terrible. My arms felt like they were on fire due to tendonitis. 

I was trying to get rich, or save the world, writing a new book every week. Mainly I just wanted to help people get better. 

So eventually I got worn out. And I wanted God to kill me. 😢 So he gave me pre-clampsia. That was him basically slowly killing me while hoping I would change my mind. My vision got really bad. I thought I was going blind. My blood pressure got crazy high. 

Blindness actually is a biblical punishment. Saul went blind before he got saved. 😣 Then he was healed. God was essentially punishing me for praying to die. Well also he took my prayer seriously. 

I would think that is a common occurrence. How many people actually want to stay alive for 50 more years? And if you do, why? For any of us who believe in heaven, why would we want to stay here any longer? 

Because God prefers that we do. That is why we have to. I don't know why he makes us all stay alive. Well I do know why, so we can save the lost. It seems like an impossible task at times. That is why most don't even bother to save or help anyone. We don't have many warriors left in the world. 😟 Most people are lazy and scared all the time. So they never try to save the world. 

Go save the world! You can do it. 😁

But try to not get overwhelmed with your effort. You can help a few people. Maybe not everyone will get helped, but a special few can be saved. So try, please. I don't want to be the only one trying to save the world. 😀

Hey go buy one of the books I wrote. Search Lisa Bedrick books on Amazon. 

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