Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Growing Up

 Almost every Disney movie is about a girl coming of age, leaving home, setting out on her own. I suppose they were giving us young girls a warning. "Someday you will have to leave the comfort of your home and start your own home. This is just a fact of life." There are girls and women who stay at home forever, but if we all did that, the human species would cease to exist. In order for humans to keep breeding, Disney wanted to help get girls ready for growing up. The message to us girls was basically, "Go find your man and fall in love. Keep the economy going." :)

In the Little Mermaid she couldn't wait to be part of his world. In Tangled she couldn't wait to get out of that tower. In Moana she couldn't wait to get out on the main ocean. In Anastasia she couldn't wait to get to Paris. In Aladdin she couldn't wait to escape the palace. In Beauty and the Beast she wanted more than her provincial life, whatever that meant. 

Most girls grow up comfortable and protected. Then one day we venture out on our own and see the world! 

When I was in my teens, I couldn't wait to leave home and go to college. Disney prepared me very well for that. I couldn't wait to meet my prince charming. I had a few princes. I don't know if I would say any of them were charming. I suppose they tried. My current man is the most charming guy so far. Good job to him. :)

When I was young, I couldn't wait to see the world, and I did. The parts I really wanted to see. I got to live in Hawaii and Australia and visit Alaska and the Bahamas and Taiwan and India. I almost went to England. I had my share of adventures for sure. I still hope to have some. Part of me just wants to stay in my house forever and never do anything adventurous ever again. My mom just got Covid on her Hawaii cruise so that might be why. It is better to stay in one place perhaps. Just be safe. 

What adventures have you always wanted to go on? Maybe you should. And I hope you don't ever get Covid. 

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