Monday, December 23, 2024


 There are many roads 

Should you leave your abode 

And travel to a new place 

Maybe find a new face 

We all get stuck in a rut 

How long will you just do put put 

When you could see it all 

Enjoy the feeling of falling 

In love again 


Friday, October 18, 2024

Prophet Lisa

 To make the world a utopia these things need to be done:

Don't beat or rape animals, obviously. Don't have road rage. Drive nicely. Don't over eat. No one likes super overweight people. 

Be gentle always with children. Be grateful for what you have. Don't always crave more. Cravings only lead to evil and crime. Be content with less.

Any man who rapes a woman or a child should be castrated. What qualifies as rape? Painful sex. Men, ask your woman if the sex is painful. If it is then stop having sex. 

Homosexuality should be illegal. If anyone acts out in a homosexual way, they should be put in prison. It often leads to child molestation. One perverted act leads to many others. 

Demons are more likely to have an advantage over you when you feel extreme fear, lust or anger. Never be afraid. Forget about lust. Just know it is a silly game. And stay calm no matter what happens to you. Master your emotions or they will master you.

Every human should give up sex for a week. You probably will feel proud of yourself if you do it and a lot cleaner. Also give up any addiction for a week, except coffee. You can keep that one. :)

Be nice to animals. Tell your kids to be nice to them too. God cares about how we take care of our animals. 

Be a good person. Don't just be fake good. Be actually good. 

Don't gossip about others. If you hate a person, tell them. They need to know how to change. 

Never ever lie. No one will respect you after just telling one lie. 

Try to not drink. There is almost no benefit to alcohol. 

Enjoy your life and don't complain or argue. Be kind and generous. 

See the good in others more than the bad. Compliment 10 people every day. Rid the negative thoughts in your mind. 

Dress nicely. Keep your clothes clean. Wash your hands 3 times a day. Shower every single day. 

Never abort a child. If you are too scared to be pregnant, then stop having sex. 

Don't cuss ever. No one will hear you more if you cuss. 

Stay busy. Have hobbies. Idle hands are the devil's playground. 

Make as much money as you can. Don't be lazy. 

Don't spend every dollar you earn. Learn to save money. A penny saved is a penny earned. 

Respect authority. Your life will go better if you do. Anyone older than you or a boss at work is your authority. 

If the authority is corrupt, distance yourself from them. 

Follow God not Satan. Read the Bible. Listen to sermons. Make worship music the main music you listen to in the car, at work and at home.

Always stay busy but rest too. Take naps when you can. Eat well. Don't starve yourself to get super skinny. Maintain a healthy weight. 

Be nice to others. Never ever criticize the way a person looks. "Do to others as you want them to do to you." 

Worship God, not man. Accept Jesus' free gift of salvation. Listen to the Holy Spirit when she tries to guide you. 

May God bless you all! 

Thursday, October 3, 2024

Go Trump!

 Will Trump save us from the nukes

If it hit us we would puke 

Will he bring on world peace 🕊️ 

We can't wait for our superman 

He has many great plans 

Maybe he can save the world 

We all believe he is great 

He could change our fate 

Stay strong and alive Trump 

We need you 

The Future

 If the world explodes soon 

We will all swoon 

What would it be like 

To only ride bikes?

A world like The Book of Eli 

Every day we would sigh 

And remember these days 

When we should have prayed 

Possibly a whole lot more

Don't let religion get you sore 

It is time to pray 

My American Dreams

 My dream for America is that every single person will only have one spouse, not 5. That rape will be 100% illegal. That the witchcraft and evil will end. That people will genuinely love and respect the Bible. I hope that all people will follow God and not a person. I want all children to stay 100% safe 24/7.

I think it is wise that every job that does not make or ship food, teach the Bible, provide childcare or men building houses or buildings should be laid off. All oilfield works should keep their jobs. We need gas, food, and people to watch the kids. Most other jobs are not needed. 

Medical bills should not exist. We give half our paychecks in taxes. All clinics and hospitals should be free. From this day forward.

Student loans should not exist. High school is free. College should be free too.

Why any American has debt; because they wanted to have kids. Oh well. Every human deserves at least one mini me. :) If you didn't have the courage to do that, then that was your decision. Don't prevent all the world from the joy of parenthood. That is mean. Abortions should be illegal after 3 months of pregnancy.

My money history: I have 8 unpaid medical bills. My credit card was settled at a half payment. But I've never gotten an unemployment check. I've worked hard since I was 14. I did the best I could. So has every other American. Give people half their money back banks. Please never zero out accounts again. That is a crazy stunt you pulled. 

A possible gov. letter to the Unemployed:

You will no longer receive free money. Queen Elizabeth :) has stated all people should work for their own money. You are cut off. We still love you and know you will find a job. Good luck to you. 

I wish for the minimum wage to be $18 an hour. Unemployment checks should all end. All welfare and food stamps should be cut off. No one should get free money, no American or other countries get free money. People need to work for their own money. I always have and everyone else should too.

I want freedom of speech to always be real. No one should be silenced ever again. Let people talk. If anything they say angers you, deal with it. Go run a mile to get your anger out. 

I want animal abuse to end. If any person beats an animal they should have all pets taken away from them. If any mom beats a child she should never be around kids ever again. Any child molester man or woman deserves the electric chair after the first crime. 

I want there to be no one starving at all. I want every single rich person to empty their accounts and give every dollar to a poor starving person. I want there to never again be insanely rich people while so many are homeless or starve to death. I want clean water in every country.

My dream for the world is that all weapons and guns will be thrown into the ocean. I want all nations to become Christian and no other religion. I want men to never abuse women or children ever again. If any man hits a woman or child he should be locked up for a year at least.

Feel free to comment other ideas that you have.

May God bless America and the world!


Sunday, September 22, 2024


 It was a hard time 

It was bittersweet like a lime 

The weight of growing a baby 

Leaves you feeling all hazy 

It is a task that seems crazy 

Why hurt your body that much?

There are easier roads to take 

Many women like to fake 

That they want to get prego 

But then they remember 

How seriously hard it is to do 

It mostly just leaves you blue 

Sure it is fun once the new

Baby arrives but it is all so hard 

So very, very hard 😣

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Baby Scarcity

 Less babies do people raise 

Since most are turning gay 

It means less gov. hand outs

But in the future we may all pout

Who will care for the elderly?

When we all get super old

But babies will still get made 

God will make sure of that 

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Planned Parenting

 Check out my book Planned Parenting by Lisa Bedrick on Amazon 😃

1 kid or many, what is best?

Raise your own, ignore the rest 

Of the world, be happy 

How many kids until you see 

How lovely love is to feel 

The more love God causes to spill 

Out on you to give to your family 

The little ones really can be 

The best gift we can give ourselves 

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Just Believe

 Maybe your past was a dud

But someday you could be with a stud 

Maybe he will be your best bud 

Never give up hope in your dreams 

Things are never as bad as they seem

Today there might be a sadness

But tomorrow there may be gladness 

Pick yourself up when you fall

Every day on God we must call

If at first you don't succeed 

Dust yourself off and try again 


 Do you have fear or faith?

If God asks you to jump, will you?

Maybe you could fly over rooftops 

But your fear paralyzes you 

You don't believe in anything anymore 

You just hide in your house 

Being quiet as a mouse 

What is there in my future?

I could teach or make more kids

But both seem too scary 

I have become very wary 

Of any new adventures 

You can be courageous and dumb

Or cautious and smart 

It seems best to just stay still 

Maybe I need to really get my fill

Of time with God and my son 

I have nothing else I want to do 

Maybe that makes others blue 

But to stay put is better than the new

I am tired of crazy adventures 

I want to just relax here forever 

Saturday, September 14, 2024

Good Man

 You know you have a good man 

When he is your biggest fan 

He works hard and gets a tan 

He cooks great food in a pan 

He runs away from sin, it's like a ban

Takes his kids to a beach, plays in the sand

He has dreams to play in a band 

He is always sweet and can 

Take the clouds away 

Always has good words to say 

He remember to always pray 

That is a good man 

Thursday, September 12, 2024

You Are Free

 If you want to control others a lot 

That is like witchcraft to have a bot

A human robot is what you see

But then you take away all their glee

No one likes to not be free 

Then we can never truly see 

What we can do if allowed to fly 

To some people you need to say bye 

If they won't ever let you be you 

To your inner heart always stay true 

What do you really want to do?

Do you want a life that is new?

Don't let others control you a ton 

We all know that is no fun 

People really need to feel free 

So they can do mostly as they please 


Why do some rape others?

Maybe it is just a cover 

For insecurity they feel 

They can't get a mate by wooing

Instead they use force but sueing

Is what some women do 

I pray God will make men new 

Bring out the goodness inside you

Don't ever rape a lady 

It is very crazy


 It is ok to say no 

Don't be a yes man, you know 

If you don't like something 

Tell that person to finally bring 

Some compassion into their heart 

Maybe then they will start 

To care about how they hurt you 

Tell them it makes you feel blue 

Tell them you want a new you 

You don't deserve to receive abuse

It can feel like they made a noose

And hung your soul out to dry 

A part of you has to say bye 

You check out from the world 

You wish that you could hurl

Yourself away from that place 

But you are trying to save face 

"Don't rock the boat" 

Maybe you won't float 

"Go along to get along"

Just keep being strong 

But how strong do you need to be?

Why don't you instead see 

It's ok to ask for help at times? 

You don't always have to make a dime

You can say it's not ok 

What they do is bad, just say it

Save yourself, open up your mouth 

Express how you really feel 

How long do you want to reel

In distress and pain?

Do you like being in a non stop rain?

Maybe you think you deserve this

But wouldn't you rather have bliss?

Set yourself free 

Go climb up a tree 

And run away from the hungry bears

It is not a big deal, you swear 

But maybe it is, and you can live 

Just get to a safe place  

Wednesday, September 11, 2024


 Why God let 9/11 and Covid happen:

To humble us.
The Lord disciplines those he loves.
To correct us.
To wake us up.
To remind us to pray.
To show us we were going the wrong way.
Don't force God to correct us with another tragedy.

Lesson Learned 

God keep us humble we pray 

Help us to stop going astray 

May we learn more quickly this time 

And stop evil acts on a dime

May we never again need a wake up call

May our pride fade before we fall 

Thank you for preserving the rest 

May we realize we are very blessed 

I hope when we remember those days 

We fall on our knees and pray 

God keep us safe all our days 

May we deserve to live on 

God keep us super strong 

We know before long 

You will return to get the saved 

For Jesus already has paved

Our stairway to heaven 


Tuesday, September 10, 2024


 Your ex is your ex for a reason 

It may have just been for a season 

Not all people are forever 

When stressed you must sever

That bond and try being alone 

Then you finally get off your throne 

Time outs are good for us all 

They remind us we don't stand so tall

Humility is needed for love 

If you get a big head, time to shove

Yourself in a corner and count 

After some time you can come out 

And thank God for a new day 

Maybe a second chance you'll get to say 

I love you and need you and sorry 


 You have to believe you deserve what you get

Don't worry so much, give up that fret 

If you don't feel worthy of the new you

You cut your own legs out from under you 

If you think you are worthless and small

Your life becomes a non stop crazy fall

You give yourself a terrible life 

You even try to cause more strife 

You think you deserve abuse 

So you never agree to a truce 

You think you don't deserve love 

You think you deserve no grace from above

You feel God hates you 

And you always feel blue

You hate yourself and the real you

So you force everyone else to hate you too

You push everyone away 

And go hide in your cave 

Because maybe you deserve to die 

But how about you ask yourself why

Have you done good and not just bad?

Think of all the people you made glad 

Your life hasn't been only sad 

You deserve more than you realize 

Stop cutting yourself down to size 

Stand up, see yourself as worthy 

But learn to be good and to stay good 

Monday, September 9, 2024

Be Kind to Yourself

 Why do you enjoy hurting yourself?

Why put your needs way back on a shelf?

Why do you let others hurt you?

Doesn't that make you very blue?

If you love yourself, others will too

If you respect yourself, others will too

The degree that you value yourself

Others will also, be nice to you 

Tell yourself what is true 

God loves you, so why don't you?

Sure you made some mistakes 

Maybe you aren't super great 

Everyone has messed up a lot

Oh well, we can't be a robot

We all slip and fall in many ways 

But you know you have more good days 

Forgive yourself and let it go  

Be nice to yourself and show 

Yourself that you love yourself 

It's ok to love yourself 

I mean take good care of your needs

Water yourself like you would seeds

Then you will grow up strong 

And maybe then before long 

You will be powerful and able 

Your life will become more stable 

Learn to stand up for yourself 

Don't put yourself way back on the shelf 

Just One

 If you love everyone 

You will end up with no one 

You have to pick one 

Or else you may come undone 

When you try to please them all 

Pride comes before a fall 

You will end up going insane 

Many voices in your brain 

People want you to do that and this 

Or do mainly what you want, bliss

We can't control each other 

Overall why do we bother?

Remember to just have one 

One main friend under the sun

Others come and go 

The true friend will show 

If they stick with you till the end 

You have found a really, truly good friend  

Sunday, September 8, 2024

20 Years

 I hope to live 20 more years 

God knows I've cried many tears 

But I think I can do 20 more 

Hope it will be fun and not a chore

I want to raise my boy to be a man 

I'll always be his biggest fan 

I never knew how special it could be 

To create a little preacher, I believe 

One day he could really be grand 

I hope for God he will always stand 

I know he needs me 

So I'll keep going 

20 more years 

Be Healed

May God heal you today 

First confess and say 

What sins you need to 

Only so much God will do 

If you insist on sinning 

That darkness keeps winning 

Learn to just say no 

Be strong, you know

Show God you want to get well 

Never your soul will you sell 

Be good, do good, feel good 

Thank You

 I know you might be done with me 

Sorry I have so much anger in me

I just need a time out 

Maybe so I can just pout 

Over us being always poor 

It has made me feel sore 

The struggle with money was long

It helped if I sang some good songs 

But thank you for the electricity 

For the food and milk but no money 🤔

Maybe someday we will share more 

Perhaps then giving will feel less like a chore 

Sorry me and your baby need a lot 

Stay clean now and don't smoke pot 

Someday we will be together again 

I want you again to be my best friend 

I know you are scared and mad 

But when alone, don't turn bad 

Remember the good times we had 

Someday you can live here again 

And we will again be great friends 


 In order to gain peace 

You must learn to release 

Everything and everyone 

You can't control all under the sun 

To control others is never much fun 

Learn to just let it go 

And that really will show 

How mature you have become 

Is getting your way worth the fight? 

Maybe ask God for a new sight 

Get a new perspective on it all 

Pride is gotten before a fall 

You could be wrong and they're right 

Don't let that give you a fright 

We all will non-stop disagree 

That is part of life you see 

Stop thinking only you are right 

Other people can also be bright 

Listen to what they need to say 

Don't let it make your world super gray 

Just say ok and do what is best 

Then maybe all your life will be blessed 



 God wants us to forgive 

Only when you do, can you live 

In harmony with others 

Be kind to each other 

Let it go 

Before you know 

You will store too much anger 

It could cause great danger 

No one is worth so much wrath 

Chose a different path 

The one who angers you masters you 

Let it go and become new 

Tell yourself what is true 

You deserve to have peace 

So give up and release 

Let go of all the anger 

Before you cause some great danger 

3 Years

 3 years I have known you 

But you couldn't be true 

I worshipped you for no reason 

You were like a god to me for a season 

I had no idea you were a bad guy 

So now finally I had to say bye 

But thank you for the food and milk 

I hope someday you lay on sheets of silk 

I'm sure you will have a lot someday 

Maybe I'll share it with you, I pray 

That you will change and be good 

Our son needs a great dad 

That would make me glad 

Maybe we will reunite and have joy

Maybe you will buy James tons of toys

Perhaps one day you will care 

That I accepted the courageous dare 

To give you a child 

Even though you are wild 

But the wild stallion can be tamed 

Just like anyone can 

Go Be Alone

 The more people, the more drama 

Some say the more the merrier

I say the more the scarier 

Anyone is capable of anything 

No one can really be trusted to bring 

Only good to you and not evil things 

You can try to cheer them up and sing 

But really there is no cure for the bad 

Those who commit evil to feel glad 

Their desires makes the rest of us very sad 

Entertained by evil and games 

They should feel lots of shame 

Such people need to be alone 

It is time to get off their throne 

When rulers turn evil they should go 

Send them to live alone and know 

That only solitary time can change them 

A time out exists for a reason 

It is good to isolate for a season 

After hibernating they might be kind 

After restoring their peace of mind 

People can be so mean and cold 

Time to banish them and be bold  

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Every day we mess up

Needing to fill up our love cup

We need and want and sin

Throw our soul in a trash bin 

Won't you let God make you new?

To yourself only be true 

Aren't you tired of being blue?

God can give you a new birth 

Help you realize how much you're worth 

Jesus died to set you free 

So you can be all you can be 

You are priceless, don't you see? 

Now live like you know you are 


 Marriage is a cage 

It should pay a wage 

You don't want to get stuck in there 

But you are in love, you swear

Those inside the cage want to get out

Often times they even pout

"Oh to be free, how I really miss that" 

Even though every date was with a rat 

But those outside the cage want to get in

They even hook up and very often sin

Until they get back in that cage 

But then often they feel that rage 

"Why am I stuck in this cage? 

I used to be free as a bird

Flying all over, now I smell turds

Where did my freedom go?"

Your angst often shows 

That you are not happy in the cage 

So get out, or stay in and feel the rage

Or find a new cage

You decide, turn the page


 Anger comes from expectations

You may vent in frustration 

Why can't they be perfect? 

Why can't they give me all I want?

Maybe you even pout and taunt

The more you need 

The more you plant seeds

Give and you will receive 

Or give up and grieve 

No one gets everything they want 

No matter how much they flaunt 

Give up and let it go 

Stop being such a hoe

You don't need to be that spoiled 

Smiling A Lot

When you teach they say don't smile 

For me it has been awhile 

Since I really enjoyed to smile 

It makes you look weak 

It is better to seriously speak 

What you want to say 

The more you smile 

The more others file 

You as insecure or needy 

Maybe it is that you are greedy 

You manipulate and smile to get 

Then if you don't get, you fret 

You con and suck up and do things 

You hope maybe it all will bring 

More money and pleasure and fun

But your life comes undone 

You think sucking up will be good

Maybe you will get more food 

It only raises hatred and resentment 

Because you struggle with contentment 

You people please 

Until they bend the knee 

Did you get what you wanted? 

Maybe it is time to give up 

Fun or Safe

 Have you noticed fun is never safe?

If something is safe, it is not fun 

At least your mind is not undone 

You get to keep your peace 

Fun is when you break a lease 

And move in with a new friend 

On whom you think you can depend 

It is a thrill to take that risk you see 

It fills your heart with a silly glee 

But then one day you regret it all 

When you break up and cry and ball 

The risk and fun was a bad thing to do 

You made a dumb move and now you are blue 

Do you want fun or what is safe? 

You never can have both of those things

Much heart ache risk taking will bring 

Stay safe, at peace and sane 

It is much better for your brain 

Forget about fun for awhile 

Peace can also make you smile 

Just rest and be

Forget about feeling glee 

Peaceful is the best way to be 

Friday, September 6, 2024


We all often want to die 

But then maybe we wonder why 

Is my life really that bad?

There are things I wish I had 

I can fixate on what is not 

But then never see what I got 

I want and wish and never get 

So then I have a non stop fret 

Over how terrible things are 

But complaining only gets you so far 

Be grateful for what you have 

Don't wish that you were dead 

You have more than what most have 

So cheer up and be glad, not sad 

Being alive is better than money 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Be Good

 "Surely goodness will follow me"

How good can you be?

Do good, say good, be good today

Watch the words that you say 

Remember to always pray 

"You have not because you ask not"

Are you bad because you lack?

Maybe get busy, pick up the slack 

What good can you do today?

What good compliments can you say?

Forget what all the bad people say 

"Bad company corrupts good morals"

One bad apple spoils the bunch 

You know good things like a hunch

Maybe God needs to give you a punch 

To cause you to be good 

"God disciplines the child he loves"

What stops you from being good?

Don't let it stop you ever again 

Lazy and Selfish

When you only live for yourself 

You aren't really very much help 

You just want to be lazy 

Your life flies by all hazy 

All your days are swallowed up in sleep 

Not many friends can you keep 

"When is my next nap?" You may say

"Nothing else to do today

Just sleep this life away"

But why not be less selfish? 

Others need your time too 

Why lay down and look so blue?

Your life could benefit someone 

Or do you feel like you are done?

"I am old already" you say

But maybe if you would just pray 

Your zest for life will return 

You will no longer feel that burn 

Of guilt from sleeping your life away

Get up and do a great thing today 

Always Saved?

 Most say if they were baptized 

They are always saved, but realize 

It takes so much more 

They drop out and say God is a bore 

There is more Jesus has in store 

Why quit the race halfway?

"I am too tired" you might say

The Christian life became too gray 

But then are you truly saved? I say

Make sure you run until the end 

God is the main one on which to depend 

Maybe you have tons of friends 

But they can pull you to hell

Many stories I could tell

Of people who did not finish well 

"A man of many friends comes to ruin"

Who can take your hand today

And guide you to God to say

"I'm sorry for going it alone 

Please let me sit at your throne 

I have much I need to confess 

I hope maybe you still can bless 

My life and all my friends"

Maybe then God will say

"Well done, I heard you pray

You always had much to say

I know you want to be up here 

Give up all of that fear 

Trust in me and pray 

You have little to fear today

Welcome home" 


When you're an abuse victim 

It takes away your voice 

Because you had no choice 

Things were done to you 

That made you totally new 

No one cared if you said no 

All they wanted was to blow 

Their sexual passion on you 

To yourself be true 

Tell others it's not okay 

To not care what you want or say 

No means no

Tell them to stop 

Or else your eternal soul may rot

Your soul is hurt every time 

You would give every dime

Just to make them go away 

Maybe all you need to do 

Is tell them to go somewhere else today


We treat others how to treat us 

Be a person people can trust 

If you respect others 

They will respect you 

Respect is not given but earned 

Your heart will really need a turn 

Don't let that make you blue 

Believe in God and become brand new

With the same measure you use 

It will be measured back to you 

If you give you will be given to 

It is more blessed to give than to receive 

Remember the Holy Spirit to never grieve 

Always try to sow more good seeds 

What you sow, you will reap 

Pray that your life God will keep 

In the palm of his hands 

Follow his perfect plans 

Remember to never give up the stand 

For Jesus and the Bible 

Or your salvation is liable 

To not stay firm to the end 

The one who endures to the end 

Will be saved, you can depend 

What will you do with the rest of your time 

Don't just try to make a dime

Honor God and earn respect every day

Life giving words you should say

And remember to always pray 


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

A Dream

 I have a wonderful dream today 

That all the kids will stay safe I pray 

That no one will be gay at all 

We have heard pride goes before a fall 

On God we all need to call 

And fall on our faces in repentance 

Before the eternal final sentence 

Make amends with all your friends 

But mainly on God you can depend 

I pray babies will never die again 

That we all see they could be great friends 

May the world be less hateful and evil 

May we get on our knees under church steeples

"If my people will humble themselves 

Turn from their evil ways and seek my face

Then will I heal their great land." 

"Confess your sins to one another 

And pray for each other 

That you may be healed."

Don't let Satan anymore steal 

The souls of those you love 

Ask for wisdom from above 

To figure out how to shove 

Their hearts to heaven and pray 

That they will all get saved 

All things are possible today 

Change will happen when you pray 

What is Fun?

 Does God take away all fun

Do you really want a risk out in the sun

You have to redefine what is fun

It is fun to never be a bum

It is fun to not play with guns 

Why take the risk for the rush

Is it really worth it

I say no drama is more fun 

But others say no drama is no fun 

Is life with God boring or not

Do you really need money a lot

You gain and amass but still are sad

You think you enjoy getting mad 

But afterwards you always feel bad 

Keep the peace and stay calm 

If you can't, maybe call your mom 

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


 God save me from the pain in my head 

It makes me just want to lay in bed 

I don't want to eat any bread 

I just think of what was said 

The memories run in my mind 

The past I want to leave behind 

But I miss him and hope he is ok 

I wish he could come home today 

All I can do is hope and pray 

That I'll get a second chance with him 

And we can be a family again 

Maybe some discipline I need 

Because many days I did not heed 

God telling me to just be quiet 


Build, Don't Tear Down

 The ones who criticize the most 

Are the ones who are doing nothing 

We all have to do something 

We all need a purpose, a calling 

If not we are non stop falling 

Into sin and depravity 

Evil is like gravity 

The more you do it 

The more it pulls you down 

If you are not constructive 

You will become destructive 

If you are not building something 

You will destroy others down to nothing 

Instead of being jealous of what others have 

Build your own life and be glad 

If you just look at others you get sad

If you never build, you get mad

And wreck anything others build

Why not create instead of destroy? 

Why not give instead of expect? 

Why not be good instead of bad?

God will bless you as you bless others 

Forgive Yourself

 We all mess up every day 

No one is perfect, I say 

What else can you do 

But let it go and see through 

Your faults to the good underneath 

Maybe then God will breach 

Your heart of stone 

And his light will be shone 

In the dark soil of your soul 

Give God full control 

Who knows what he will grow 

In the potting soil of your soul 

Let God water you with his word 

Maybe then you'll be free like a bird 

And become all he meant you to be 

Maybe then you'll finally see 

The purpose God made you for 

Love What You Have

 We don't know what we got 

Until one day it is not 

Here with us anymore 

Our life becomes a bore 

We complain and pout that we lost it 

They made us feel more legit 

But time outs can be beneficial

They make you less artificial 

We go through the motions of love 

Maybe time apart will help to shove 

Our mind in a more grateful direction 

Love what you have now 

Before you scare it away 

And you regret what you did say 

And remember to pray 

That you will work things out 

Before your anger makes you shout 

And you break up for a long time

Monday, September 2, 2024

Falling Short

 No one can be perfect you know 

People try to put on a perfect show 

But it all is a game people play 

An almost perfect act I would say 

You think they are a good man 

But you do not know the span 

Of evil they have done to others and you 

They could become new 

Just believe in them to be reborn 

Don't stay hopeless and forlorn

Say a prayer that Jesus will forgive 

Then they can really live

"No one is perfect, no not one 

All have sinned and fall short."


 We compete and fight and need 

Instead we should plant seeds

Save the lost 

There is little cost 

You have to give of yourself 

Die to self, put your needs on the shelf 

Forget about yourself and give 

Then you really will live 

Live for others, not just you 

You know it only makes you blue 

To redeem yourself you must give 

Give up selfish ways and live 

Choose life, not death today

Learn what is good to say 

And remember to always pray 

Sunday, September 1, 2024


 Why does God give us pain 

Is there something to gain? 

We hurt and suffer a lot 

Maybe more humility we caught 

Friday, August 30, 2024


 With every path you take 

There is a heavy weight 

Of not picking other things 

You hope this path will bring 

You the most joy and peace 

Take your cares and release 

Them all 

On God you should call 

For wisdom and advice 

What path is best to choose? 

What do you have to loose?

To have a new tomorrow 

Feel the sorrow 

Of losing yesterday 

But then move on and pray 

For a great brand new day 

Remember thank you to say 

To God for your new life 

With peace and less strife 

Embrace your new day 

Be happy and say 

These are your best days 


Why does God let kids get abused? 

Hopefully he doesn't find it amusing

We are his movie after all 

Life is often not really a ball 

We take the good with the bad 

But often I wish we had 

A utopian perfect planet earth 

Where every child that is birthed

Is safe forever 

Sexual Abuse

 A beaten dog hangs his head 

He does not feel safe on his bed

He cannot trust a single woman or man

No one understands the span 

Of how terrible dog abuse can get

When people also get abused they let

Things happen to them that will send 

Their soul to hell

Why not someone tell?

Forced to commit adultery 

The heart gets super cold and black 

Will God cut them some slack 

For all the evil they did?

On that sick incest bed?

Ask God and your victim 

To forgive you 

You will feel less blue 

From all the guilt 

Time to get right with God 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Fight for It

 We all can be a hero 

Even if you feel like a zero 

You can be all you need to be 

Open your eyes and see 

The armies of angels around you 

Always to your goal stay true 

Never waver on what you need to do 

You can move mountains 

Just believe 

Hold on to those you love 

Pray for help from above 

You will get through this and see 

How great life can be 

Keep your chin up and know 

Every day you will grow 

Stay strong fellow warriors 

Have Faith

 If you don't have faith, you have nothing

 Faith in God, in others and in yourself

Faith keeps you wanting to live 

Have faith that others can give 

This world is a cold place to be 

Not many people will see 

Past themselves and their own lives

All they do is continue to strive 

To add to their own possessions 

There is a worldly obsession 

With things and money and cars 

That won't get us very far 

What really matters in life? 

Cutting out all the strife 

And treating others with respect 

"Give and it will be given to you"

Who can you give something to today?

Text me if you want to ask questions about God:


Monday, August 26, 2024

Happy Place

 The beach was my happy place 

But now it's to see the joy in my son's face 

He is worth fighting for 

His cute smile I adore 

He plays like a kitten all day

Not much cuter it gets I say 

I hope to watch him forever I pray 

It is just the two of us for now 

Maybe one day a third will join us 

But my focus should stay on him 

One more might be too much weight 

Pray we will stay safe 

God is with us I know 

Every day and it shows 

I know I am super blessed 

And need not ever stay stressed 

God help me stay strong 

I know before long 

He will start school and I'll miss us 

And then his teacher I'll trust 

Will train him well 

And he will come home and tell 

Of the joys of his day 

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Take Care of Yourself

 Stay safe and sane 

Not all should get in your brain 

Take time off for just you 

Others make us often blue 

Forget the world and have peace today 

Don't worry of all they may say 

Do what you love 

Ask for help from above 

Forget what everyone else needs 

How long will you bleed 

And let other zap your life away? 

You know what you need 

Bury yourself like a seed

Someday your blossoms will come up 

It's ok to hide for now 


Is money really power?

Instead ask God to shower 

His great Holy Spirit down 

Give you a smile for your frown 

Give you beauty for ashes today

Why do you play

With Satanic power?

It is useless and weak 

Instead you need to seek 

The fear of the Lord 

You know you get bored 

Crack open the word and pray 

Watch words that you say 

Give up your addictions and drugs

You are not really a thug 

Be good, do good, be around good 

"Walk with the wise to be wise"

Seek for the power of God 

Maybe then in favor he will nod

A blessing into your life 

Friday, August 23, 2024

Doctor Worship

 They cut you open and take all your money 

It isn't very funny 

They ruin your body for life 

Maybe create family strife 

How much money do you give them all?

Pride goes before a fall 

You think they will save you?

They only make you blue 

Rob you till all the money runs away 

Not much good to say 

They say they will fix you 

You know that isn't true 

Give up seeing doctors 

And keep all your money 

It all isn't very funny 

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My House

 I keep thinking of running away 

So many memories here I would say 

Good and bad, happy and sad 

It is odd to stay since he is not here

But other places I somewhat fear 

I don't know what could happen there 

Would they be kind and share? 

Or is this my only safe place? 

I see my son's happy face 

I know he will always love it here 

So I will stay one more year 

And then who knows what is next 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Sexual Addiction

 As with any addiction or craving 

There is almost no point in saving 

A person who is so far gone 

You know that before long 

They will sink down in deep sinking sand 

No longer will they stand 

In church at all 

Pride goes before a fall 

They thought they were saved 

But their sin has seriously paved 

A quick road to hell

 More lust and pain to tell 

Many souls they can sell 

They drag a lot to hell too 

It makes us Christians very blue 

Why do so many rape small children?

May God send valiant warriors to protect them. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

Let It Go

 People hurt us every day 

There is little left to say

All you can do is pray 

Your enemies could be friends 

Maybe on them you could depend 

Let go and let God get justice

"Vengeance is mine," says the Lord

What grudge is hard to let go?

Ask God with your memories blow 

Away like a mountain of sand 

Rid yourself of the pain 

Then you have much to gain 

Peace of mind and a quiet spirit 

Let go and let God 

Wednesday, August 7, 2024


 A kid's happy cute faces 

Makes you think of other places 

When everything was more fun 

I saw oodles of kids play in the sun 

They rode bikes all over the place 

Smiles on every kid's face 

Dumping toys all over the floor 

Preschools are never a bore 

The activity is non stop 

You have to be hard as a rock 

Don't lose your brain 

20 kids can make you go insane 

But then you play a fun game 

And it is still a great place to be 

If you ever work there you'll see 

There is no better place to be 

Sunday, August 4, 2024

The Young

 When you talk to those very young 

It gives you more times of fun 

They are so happy and new 

Life has not yet made them blue 

Not much stress or heartache yet 

Someday it will hit I bet 

But for now they are so strong 

Full of zest for so long

May God help them stay young 

Life gets very hectic at some point 

You start to feel all out of joint 

But God puts us together again 

After we fall off a wall 

Again on God we call

After another heartbreak 


 Men want tons of wives 

But then they risk their lives 

Triangle love is too crazy 

It makes us all get hazy 

You can't get more than one 

The evil will get caught in the sun 

The two timing comes into the light 

And we all get more bright 

Be a one woman man 

I know that you can 

Be faithful, that's the plan 

Guy Hopping

 Since I was a kid I doubted 

If I would ever be married 

How could I trust any man?

Since my dad is a pervert 

So I have jumped from guy to guy 

Very often wanting to say bye 

Surprise no man is perfect 

Is any man actually worth it?

The pain of pregnancy and stress 

But having love makes us feel blessed

What is the best thing to do?

Find love and be less blue 

But only if they stay true 

Cheating makes love no fun 

It makes anyone want to run 

I pray that my next mate 

Will be totally awesome and great 

Saturday, August 3, 2024


 My ex told me he was cheating on me so I got back on Match. 

I met Derrick who may have had an apartment for my son and I. God warned me he might get abusive though so I passed on that possibility. 

Lance was a former model. He seemed super high strung though. I figured he might ruin my peace. 

Dave was smart and 7 years older. He helped me see the big picture on all my family drama. He said it sounded like my ex didn't really want to be here at home. He had a house with a pool but decided to not let us live with him. 

It is very hard to find a step dad for a kid. 😒

There was Gary for a few days. He was fun to talk to but a bit conceited. He may stay a friend for awhile but he hates the Bible. That could be a problem. 

And now I found a guy named Joshua who is 10 years younger than me. Is that good or bad? It is nice to have a younger person. More zest for life is great. Only God knows what could become of that. Pray for me to find the best step dad for my son. :)


 Who is your daddy? 

At age 6 God became mine 

No greater dad I could find 

My step dad cried and wanted the job

I gave him a disdainful nod

I said, "No you're not my dad."

Only God has kept me glad 

Maybe that made my bio dad mad

But he forfeited his right 

When sex was only in his sight 

He attempted rape on me 

Maybe the idea gave him glee

But my mind would never be

The same 

Fathers be good to your daughters 

And treat your sons with great respect 

How much you respect a kid 

Is how much they will respect you someday

And want to still see you 

So be a parent that is true 

Or maybe someone new 

God will find for your kid 

Thursday, August 1, 2024


 I got into politics and crazy news 

All it did was leave me blue 

I got in the world too much 

It made me a bit more tough 

But all that stress added up a lot 

Then my man in cheating I caught 

I lost my cool, acted a fool

I needed time to relax 

I had to heal more from my past 

In peace I needed to live 

Not much more could I give 

Watch out for getting super stressed 

Remember you are very blessed 

May God help you live in peace 

And always stay super sweet 

Why the Break Up

 I wanted my ex to not drink for 2.5 years but he kept drinking anyways. I always felt vulnerable when he drank. At the end he started drinking every night and lying about it. 

I wanted him to come straight home after work. He didn't care. 

I wanted him to work a day job rather than a night job. He didn't care. 

I wanted him to interact with our child more. He didn't want to. 

I wanted his phone to be on vibrate cuz it was often a distraction and killed the mood. He didn't care. 

I wanted to keep ordering things online. He cut off my ability to use his card. 

I wanted him to quit smoking. He kept smoking a lot. 

I wanted him to lose weight. He didn't seem to care how much I wanted him to. 

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Arm Distance

 I keep most people at arm's length 

I feel it gives me more strength 

The more reserved you are 

The less emotional you feel 

When you let people in a lot

If they hurt you it's a like a shot 

To your chest with a bullet 

And you fall on the ground 

If you stay aloof and cool 

You never are or feel like a fool 

Don't let the bad people in 

Then your emotion they win 

You have to keep your wits about you 

Don't go crazy or feel blue 

They probably aren't worth it 


 You were my first born 

So many outfits you had worn

So many pictures I took

Like you were a super model baby

My perfect sweet angel 

I had never been happier in my life 

Looking at your cute adorable face 

I fell in love with your tiny nose

It was thrilling to get to be your mom 

Until the evil witch your grandma took you

Ever since that day I have been blue 

I lost my ray of sunshine 

I miss when you were all mine 

Someday I know I'll see you again 

In heaven you will fly to me 

And give me a big hug 

I will be so happy to see you again 

My sweet little Serenity 


 Such a lovely place of natural scenery 

All places you look are greenery 

The lighting bugs light up the night 

It is the most magical sight 

The flowers bloom all around you

Never can you feel blue 

With so much beauty to explore 

Every park you will adore 

Go swim in the rivers for fun 

Sit out and get some sun

Go to the zoo and see the monkeys 

Run all over and see the peacocks 

Nebraska is the happiest state for sure 


 My man is hot for his boss 

3 years they have talked a lot 

Will they get married? Who knows 

Maybe she is a total hoe

Who knows how many men she's got 

I'm sure it is a lot 

I've never met her but I know 

She wants a baby, that hoe

How many men are trying to knock her up

Who know, who cares 

Is my man one them? 

Time will tell who he picks

I'll try to not care 

I don't want the dare 

Of getting prego again 

So he can marry her if he wants 

But he better provide for both his kids

Tuesday, July 30, 2024


 I don't miss the messes in the kitchen 

I don't miss your grumpy mood 

I don't miss how loud you were 

I don't miss worrying you might hurt James 

You were careless, reckless 

Unsafe with your words 

You always seemed to want to anger me 

We had some moments of glee 

But your rigid cold self was hard 

I miss some things about you 

But I hated seeing you blue 

I never knew why you were so down 

Always having a non stop frown 

It felt like you hated me 

I hope you are happy now 


 I want my family to be together again but my baby daddy I think cannot be nice to our son. Maybe he can get counseling for that. Maybe someone can help him learn to love kids. 

I am fine with raising our son for 17 years in this house as long as he brings us groceries every day. I could homeschool my son in this house. I guess that would be a dream come true. Just me and my sweet son in this house till I send him off to college at age 18. 

Or maybe my big brother could help me raise him. I don't know. 

I have no idea if James my son would be better off with just me raising him or me with a friend or a new husband or my old pretend husband. 

Pray for us please. That I will do what is best for my boy and that he will be happy forever. That is all I really care about. 

Monday, July 29, 2024


 My cat would guard her kittens fiercely 

If any cat came around she chased them away

Every mom has to protect her baby well

There are some who kids they sell 

Off to sex slavery or to witches 

Most don't believe that is true 

But to protect the little children 

You have to be a fierce mama bear 

The world should not mess with your baby 

Some break in the protective wall 

You have to keep standing tall

Don't let anyone hurt your kid 

Defend their safety to the death 

New Guy

 We all may think a new person is cool

But eventually see they are a fool 

Every guy lies, cheats and steals

You know in love that's the deal 

You can trade out your man 

Maybe find one more tan 

But he will still snore and cheat 

He may even beat 

You, take time off to see 

How lovely being alone can be 

There are few happily after loves 

That rain down from above 

Be careful who you chose 

They may make you very blue 

Sunday, July 28, 2024

Baby vs. Daddy

 I am happy with my son being my main in person friend now. He never rejects me. He never yells at me. He is happy with anything I do for him. We have a very peaceful and great friendship. 

His dada did not appreciate me very much, or he didn't say he did. He slept a ton every day. It seemed like he never wanted to be around me. I don't know why he seemed to hate me so much. Maybe it was that I got grumpy. But I was grumpy because he was grumpy. 

It is never a walk in the park raising a kid. But we all parent the best we can. 

It was cool having my ex around for moral support. He was a good listener. Most days he liked talking with me. He let me cuddle with him and talk. He was good at massages. He always had a kind look of love in his eyes. 

It is hard to remember him as being mostly nice or grumpy. We all have our good and bad days. 

Either way things are more peaceful with him being gone more. 

I told him he can go live with his grandma till she dies and be her caretaker. But if she sells a house maybe she can then hire a nurse instead of my ex being her nurse. Hopefully he will want to come home then and we will probably all appreciate each other more. Absence makes the heart grow fonder right? 


 Why do us women get so mean?

Because we want to stay lean

Why should a baby be in us?

It's better to move around, feel blessed 

Pregnancy is too much stress 

What is the reason to procreate?

It only makes us gain lots of weight 

I fully believe one child is ideal 

If there are two they only steal 

Toys from each other and cry 

They don't ever say bye 

Always around each other to stay 

For all the big families pray 

It probably isn't easy

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

My Heart

Many lost loves have come and gone 

I have sung many sad love songs 

They all were kind of crazy 

They made me feel very hazy 

I don't want any men for awhile 

Living alone is more my style 

It is better to be drama free 

With any love there can be 

So much heartache and stress 

I don't feel very much blessed 

By having a man around 

Peace is more to be found 

In solitude and rest 


Monday, July 22, 2024


I want the two horney possessive witches that are obsessed with my bf to leave town and go live in Miami.  

If not his abuse will carry on forever if he continues to see them. I know it is molestation but he of his own will drives to their houses. So I locked him out. I can provide safety and shelter and minimal food for him. I want him to stay home and help me raise our boy. He does not seem to want to. 

So I'll go. I'll just go. It is impossible to have a love triangle, 2 actually. 

I may leave soon with my son and pray I never look back. It is hard to live in this city knowing he is getting molested. 

Maybe if I leave he can have this house and be safe here. He can defend this house and keep his body safe and from being abused. 

I never knew women could be perverts. Now I know. 

Good and Bad


The lying, cheating 

The robotic sex 

The burden of dealing with babysitting an autistic bf

Letting a young punk make me crazy 


Talking over coffee 

His kind green eyes 

The back massages 

That he was willing to watch sermons and lots of movies 

Things I Hate

 The tiny TV in the living room

The cats fighting outside 

The cabinets that won't close all the way 

The hard tile floor

Things I like 

It's quiet here 

This house is like an old friend 


Some people hate it all 

Life is never much of a ball 

They don't like anything 

There is nothing that brings 

Any joy to their heart 

Maybe they could start 

To love God and people 

To pray under church steeples

May God save all the killers 

They watched too many thrillers

Why do they get like that?

Their fake nice is an act 

They sleep all day 

Never much to say 

They have nothing to live for 

Life is a non stop bore

They feel guilt for their deaths

Never feel very blessed 

A killer I once knew 

He was very blue 

In his mind all people died 

Never a single tear he cried 

No regret he could feel at all 

Never on God he did call 

I had to say goodbye to that 

Either way he got really fat 

Peaceful Now

 You go most of your days thinking you couldn't live without someone. Then you finally get a break from them and there is finally peace. There is the calm after the storm. The dark cloud of his demons is gone and you feel happy.  You don't feel disdain anymore. Finally no one to glare at in the kitchen when they make tons of noise. The messes all over the kitchen are over and done with. The house is peacefully quiet at night with their snoring sirens gone. No more doors slamming when going out to smoke or coming home. No more risk of them knocking your baby child over. No more seeing them scared like a pansy to go hang out with the baby in the living room. No more him complaining that I talk too much. No more him saying he "needs to sleep." How much sleep do you need?!


He was a dad but never had 

To go without food and sleep 

It was all about him still 

I wondered if he would kill 

Our sweet baby boy 

He never got him a toy 

Never bought him clothes at all 

But he's the man cuz he's tall 

Why do others matter right?

He seemed to want a crazy fight 

Always trying to annoy me 

I think my anger gave him glee 

He was an anarchists you see 

No one could boss him around 

No love in him could be found 

Inside his heart of stone 

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Reasons to Break Up

 I wish my man could lose 100 pounds. But he said he probably will just get fatter. 

I wish he would help me with James but he just sleeps all day every day. 

I wish he would work 2 jobs but he won't. 

I wish he would stop drinking and smoking a pack a day. 

I wish he would be faithful to me. I know he is cheating in some way. 

Sunday, July 14, 2024


 With my daughters I held their cute little arms and guided them in walking. I did that a bit with my son. At some point I realized you just have to ignore a child for them to grow up. So I started playing around on Twitter. The more I ignored him the better he got at walking. You can't coddle a kid or they will never grow up. If I kept holding him too much to keep him from hurting himself my arms hurt. Either you will be hurt as the parent and you have to watch your child get hurt, but that is how they learn to be an adult. The first step of being an adult is walking and then eating and then school and reading and then making money. Every child has to progress quickly or it may take forever for them to grow up. You have to let them be on their own and figure it out. Sink or swim. When left on our own our survival skills get better. We get smarter. We learn and grow and mature. If you coddle anyone for too long it is never a good thing. 

Friday, July 12, 2024


 When you're a parent it is not about you at all anymore. Your entire reason for being alive is for your kid. You can't be selfish anymore. You can't worship sleep anymore. Most days you can barely eat and it should not matter. You can't love food anymore. All your attention is on them. They are the reason you do everything that you do. 

Does this make your partner feel less than and ignored? Probably. But they are supposed to step up and grow up and help you. Men very often think their wives are supposed to be their slave. No a woman mainly has to serve her kids. An adult man should be able to take care of himself.

 I do think a mom should keep the house clean. A clean house causes a clean mind. The more messy a house feels, the more chaotic your mind will become. 

Be patient with your kid. They won't master everything right away. Children are capable of very little. It takes a long time to learn various skills. 

Love your child. They might annoy you but they deserve zero abuse. If they upset you, deal with it. They can't help being annoying. They don't mean to be annoying. 

Make sure you appreciate having a child. Tons of couples are not able to have any kids. Your kid is the best blessing you will ever get in your lifetime. 

What I Want

 I want my bf to stop seeing his grandma like completely. I know she is very old but she can hire a nurse. I guess she is really rich so she has the money to do so. I want him to be a more present part of this family with me, him and our son.  

I realize if he does stop going to her house that she might go senile and come damage our house in some way. I am prepared to call the cops if she throws rocks at our window or enters the house without knocking first. She has a key but we could change the locks. 

I know she can turn the utilities off. I hope and pray soon my bf will put the utilities in his name and start paying them. We don't have much money but it's enough to pay those. That is the ultimate power she has over all three of us is that she can turn them off because she is paying them. Please all pray she would never ever turn them off just as a temper tantrum if my bf refuses to see her anymore. My son and I could stay in a hotel if that happens but taking him in a car is not easy. 

He needs to cut ties with her. They have a very odd and overly attached friendship. I don't understand it. It has always bugged me. The older and more crazy she gets the more I worry she might try molesting him. I think she is in love with him and she might starting thinking he is her dead husband reincarnated or something nuts like that. Old people can get really psycho. I don't trust her. I want him to never see her again. 

Please all pray she will snap out of it and stop being psycho. Thanks all. 

Life Issues

 Pray I'll have the courage to have another kid soon. I think it will help our new family to bond better. 

Pray my torn muscle will heal. Half the time when I carry my son to my diaper changing area I strain my leg muscle. 😢

Pray that my bf's family can get renters out of a house to sell it. There are renters there not paying rent. Hopefully they will leave on their own will soon by feeling guilty for stealing money by not paying rent. 

Pray that my son eats more chips. I am trying to get him to eat more food and be a big boy. 

Pray I can successfully potty train my son soon. 

Pray I'll stop getting angry with my bf. He sleeps a lot and that bugs me, but I should just be grateful when he is home. 😁

Pray he will see his grandma less. She gets greedy about how many hours he visits with her. I want him to be home more than he is at her house. That seems fair to me since he is in a relationship with me, not her. Pray that she will realize that fully and let go of holding him so tightly. It has bugged me for 2.5 years now and I need her to stop being very possessive of him. And pray he will start to care about me more. 

Pray I will sleep more. Sometimes I have difficulty sleeping enough. And all those are the reasons why. 

Things You Need to Change

 If you want me to be happy, do these things,

Get a hotel when you drink. No one should ever be drunk around a small child. 

Quit your medication. 

Help me with James. You can't hide from him the rest of our lives. Decide to just stop being afraid of him. 

Stop seeing other women. I don't know who and when you see them but stop it. 

Wash your clothes every single night. Don't ever wear dirty clothes here to the house. I don't want to get sick anymore. 

Wash your hands every night after work. 

Thursday, July 11, 2024


 You are my sweet little flower

I hope I always will empower 

You with joyful phrases 

What you do amazes 

Me just non stop 

You are so adorable 

I love you so so much

I hope I always keep you happy 

You are just so wonderful 


 You drive me nuts at times 

But guys like you are hard to find

You are tender and sweet 

You get me yummy treats 

I know I get grumpy

I hope I don't seem to jumpy

I wish we could be closer someday

You often have little to say

I wish I knew you more 

Often our days are a bore 

I don't know if we are forever 

But we will see I guess 

I know we are blessed 

Even if we feel stressed 

Time or Money

 All women want either time or money from their man. If he isn't home much there better be a lot of money. If he is poor he better spend lots of time with his family. Men have nothing to offer women other than time or money. Men may think sex matters but not much. Maybe the first week but that's it. 


 I don't know what my man is doing. All I know is he cheats on me in some way. So I'll stop calling him my man. He is now just a brother which is mostly how I've seen him this entire time. He is the same sign as my younger step brother. It is a lot like living with Michael to live with Zach. My step brother was Michael which oddly enough was Zach's dad's name. 

Anyways from now on Zach is my step brother. I have never really desired having sex with him but I guess that's why. He is more like a brother. I can tell he has never wanted me that much. I thought he was gay and maybe he is. Or his Zoloft meds make his testosterone super low. Meds do that to people. They make you seem not human anymore really. Men become a woman robot. Women become a robot or a man depending on their meds. 

The 🏥 hospital that I had James at wanted to put me on meds. No thank you. I have no desire to say goodbye to my soul and my heart. And maybe it just feels like Zach is cheating because he is with his meds. They make him heartless and he just doesn't care about anything. 

I don't know if this will work but I could not have sex with him unless he quits drinking and quits he meds. Why should I desire an addict? I guess I did before because I was addicted to smoking. But I have overcome that now overall. 

Maybe I am prideful now and think I got clean so why can't he? Maybe he will. But he comes from a family full of drugs. They drank and lied and cheated and steal. An apple never falls far from the tree. My family was a bit different too, but I tried to be my own person. I guess I'll just wait for him to do that too. Please pray he will break that soul tie with his family. He needs to so God can be his God. I doubt he is saved. His grandma is his god rather than God. She gave him a house and car and lots of money. I guess most people would worship such a person. I don't, but that's why I wouldn't let her give me a car. This house is ok but nothing to worship someone over. 

Anyways I pray he will worship God only. I pray he will do things to actually make him saved like listen to Christian radio instead of rap music and stop drinking, smoking and taking pills. To me he may as well be a heroine addict. But tons of people are sucked up by pills. It is a sad life. One to be pitied for sure. 

But I can't keep making excuses for him. My life was 20 times harder than his but I don't drink and use pills. I hope he will man up at some point and not want to be a spoiled child anymore. I hope one day he will grow up and be a dad to his son and actually become a good man. 

Thank you all for praying. 


 Every man and woman goes along to get along. I should realize I am PMSing most likely. But my son wants to visit his dada. He keeps slamming his bedroom door in his face. I am thinking of telling him to sleep at his grandma's. He can't get that mad if his son interrupts his sleep. It is rude. But I guess being rude to a child is ok. It triggers me because I feel my man doesn't like our son but that needs to change.  

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Save the World

 I was hoping to save the entire world on Twitter. I will now take a sabbatical break from that for a few days. How about you try, dear reader? I pass the baton to you.

 Post on the White House page in the comments some world changing idea. Post memes that are pro life and pro straight lifestyle. 😁 Comment on the UN page. Follow famous influential people like Alex Jones and Russell Brand and Elon Musk and Pope Francis. 

Make the world a better place with some Ben Garrison cartoon pictures. He is a Christian. His cartoons are great social commentaries on the world today. 

Tell people vaccines are bad for them. Help people want to read the Bible by posting great verses. Post great quotes from sermons you listen to. You can use your social media influence for a very great good. 

Post videos of your ideas for our government or the schools or anything you hope to see change in society. 

That is what I have done with most of my extra time for about 5 years now. Go save the world! It's your turn. 😁

Build Something

 "If you build it they will come."

Field of Dreams is the movie that is from. What are you building? What do you do with all your time? 

Instead of dwelling on the past, build your future. Your future will be whatever you think about now. Whatever you are working on now. What do you want your future to be like? Take action to make that happen, to cause that to happen. Visualize it. Pray for it. Expect that it will happen and it will. "According to your faith it will be done." What are you believing for? 

Do you want to change something? Make it happen. 

Like I am believing I will be our US President someday. God's will be done on the timing for that. 😁

My Mentors

 It can seem different when your mentors are not in person but through YouTube. Oh Here are some of the greatest people that I have learned a lot from:

Jentezen Franklin who taught me to want to be more filled with God's spirit. 

Joyce Meyer who taught me how to forgive. 

Steven Furtick who taught me how to be tough. 

Shawn Johnson who taught me it's ok to feel what you're feeling. 

Joel Osteen who taught me how to be nice like him. 

And Vlad Savchuck who taught me how to be an on fire revival starting Christian. 

Check out those great people on YouTube sometime. You will learn a lot from them. 😁

And don't we all want Gavin to be president? Pray for that y'all. Maybe Biden could retire soon and let Gavin take over like forever..... 👏☺


 I'm taking a break from social media. How long can I handle fasting from it? Who knows. I think all things should be given a break sometimes. Let go and let God right? Who knows who will be the next president. I will try to not care anymore.

 Who knows if the wars will ever end. I think once a war stops it's almost impossible to end it. I hope our great USA will leave Russia alone. I don't get why we always feel they are an enemy. Maybe we feel threatened by their size. Maybe we want Russia to be a second US. Who knows. I hope Biden will let Michelle or Gavin take over at some point. I don't care if Trump wins. If he does I hope the Mexicans will leave peacefully. May God help Bill Gates to stop messing up the food. We all know he is. 😢 Someone needs to limit his power. He needs to stop doing things and just watch movies all day. I pray that he will. 

I am trying to spend less money. It is a hard habit to break, online shopping. You have to kill the flesh and greed. Just say no. But it's nice to get fun things sometimes. 

Things are good with my man. I still want him to not drink alcohol but who knows if he will ever give that up. May God help me to not be afraid of alcohol. I had an ex die from drinking so it is a soft spot for me. 

My son is great. He is walking like a champ. He looks like a super cute penguin when he walks. So great. He is just so great. He is enjoying eating popcorn and chips now. Next hopefully will be apples and bananas. Junk food is a lot easier to eat though. 😁

Every afternoon when it gets hot in this old house I eat Java chip ice cream. If you haven't tried it oh my goodness it is great.

 Someday I hope the 3 of us will go in person to church again. I have a fear my son will get sick in the daycare. But maybe someday. Y'all should go. Church not just online but in person can be so nice especially if you get in a small group. :)

May God bless you all!

Monday, July 8, 2024

My Son

 My happy little hamster is sweet 

He make me sing like a bird and tweet 😂

I hope to make the world better for him 

I try hard to extend my light 

Every day is like a non stop fight 

Of trying to be super woman 

What evil is there to defeat today?

What dragon can I say? 

To make the world better for him 

My sweet baby boy 


Why live in a city that floods a ton? 

That would be so not fun 

I pray they move uphill more 

Maybe they say inland is a bore

It is a little bit yes 😂

But at least we never guess 

If we can get to work 

Austin is super cool 

The Cedar trees are a pain 

But no more flooding is a gain 

May God help cities to drain dry now 

In Jesus' name Amen 


 Maybe you don't see justice right away 

There is much you want to say

Save it for another day 

It's best to let it go and forgive

Vengeance is mine says the Lord 

God will punish those who do evil 

If someone molested another 

God will punish them in due time 

Just wait and see 

Justice will be done 

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Hillsong Worship Music

 If you want to feel God's spirit 

Listen to this music all day

If you never know what to say 

In how to share the gospel 

Let this music inspire you 

It is worship that is true 

Not like the often fake worship 

That other groups put out 

Hillsong makes you want to shout 

And truly worship God 

America is Beautiful

 I have boogie boarded in the CA ocean 

I saw tons of windmills in motion 

I stood in Destin, Florida on the beach

As I wrote books hoping to teach

Lived in a hotel with a nice hot tub 

I've seen a few cool clubs 

Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon 

Spent many nights exploring Vegas 

Went hiking in Estes Park, CO

Worked on cruise ships in Alaska 

Still haven't seen New York 

Three fourths of the US I've seen

Anyone I met I tried to glean 

New wisdom from them all 

My traveling days were a ball 

Now I am settled down here 

Never to leave I fear 

Hopefully someday I'll travel again 

Maybe an around the world cruise


Beautiful Things

 My son's lovely blue eyes 

Are more wonderful then apple pies 

I love our Texas blue skies 

They match my cat's sky blue eyes 

I love seeing a newly cut lawn 

The way hot afternoons make us yawn

Kittens playing in the yard all day

I wish they talked and I would say 

I love you so much my mini cats 

I love the smell of clean laundry 

The way warm running water feels 

I love the smell of vanilla candles 

The way clean sheets feel 

I feel love when hugging my baby 

I love seeing him explore the house 

Proud of his new mastery of walking 

I love when he laughs 

And even more when he runs 

He makes me have more fun 

I love the food my man brings 

It makes me want to sing 

Happy sandwiches and sushi 

I love this house 

It is a very safe place

It keeps a smile on my face  

Thank you God for all we have 



 Jesus is America's king 

We know that he will bring 

Morals and sanctity to us all

Pride goes before a fall

May we always stay humble and kind 

May knowing Jesus help remind 

Us to be servants like him every day 

May we share the good news and say 

Anything he tells us to say  

May we forgive the mean people 

And pray under church steeples

For God to keep us strong 

The Elite

They really love their money 

They think life is so funny 

But wait till the after life 

They think they are God 

But does God ever nod 

His approval at them?

They seem to want to kill 

But we have a stronger will 

They invent viruses 

To cause minuses 

But we will live on

As long as God desires us to 

God decides when people will die 

Not them 


It turns people into robots 

Are they less angry? Yes

But what they feel you can't guess

It's a shutting down of the mind 

There's not much person to find 

They become a zombie and numb

Nothing is felt but maybe some 

Love they at times feel 

Mostly they are like a robot

You feel married to a bot 

They don't have a lot 

To say 

They seem always so grey 

Never laugh or smile 

It really has been awhile 

Since they seemed to have fun 

Maybe go in the sun 

And they will open like a flower 

May God give a shower 

Of grace to all the junkies 

Who can't give up their pills 

They don't have the will 

To be without them 

It is a crutch 

Life is too hard 

So they numb the pain 

With their daily pill 

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Abortion is Murder

Is it reproductive freedom

To murder a tiny baby? 

Your conscience won't be free 

It will hurt bad you see 

Your body will bleed 

Your guilt may lead 

You to church to make amends 

For the tiny life you rend

Keep that baby 

Be a mommy 

It is the most fun you'll ever have

Everyday you will feel glad 

That you didn't give up 

All things worth doing are hard 

Don't be a pansy 

Toughen up and be 

The mom that baby needs 

Rock them in a chair 

Brush their sweet cute hair 

See the life shine out their eyes 

Promise to never say goodbye 

Someday you two may fly

Up in the rapture and have fun 

For now enjoy the sun 

And make every day wonderful 

With your sweet baby cupcake 

Friday, July 5, 2024

Peter Pan Complex

 Some men never mature 

They just get older

Video games can be fun 

They make you numb 

You never get some 

Because you love that game 

Every day is the same 

Hours you waste 

No food you taste 

All you care about is that 

Put the game down and live 

Many great things you might give

Be there for others 

Don't get lost in your game world

To Be President

 If I ever get to be queen 👑 😁

Many places I would be seen 

Could I handle the attacks?

Or maybe God would help me to hack 

Through the gossip and the hate 

If all loved me how great 

That really would be 

We need a leader who brings glee

But I am a woman you see 

Never has been a female president 

But I would love to take up residence 

In the White House and give a speech 

I would try to always be a peach 

It would be a great life I think 

But would leading take me to the brink 

Of insanity? I'll be ok 

Beam me up I say 

But if Gavin is the best pick 

Promote him real quick 

Before he changes his mind 


Thursday, July 4, 2024


The sparklers light up the night 

Bottle rockets whiz and give a fright 

It is a night of magical powers 

How do the fireworks shower 

That beautiful fire mist on the ground 

Maybe a new kind you just found 

The flower ones zoom and spin fast 

That show was a huge blast 

If only every night was the 4th of July 

One party and then we say bye 

All the city gathers and cheers 

We have much fun every year 

No matter what city you're in 

Go watch a firework show 

I've seen one in South Dakota

In Irine, CA over the lake 

The fireworks, the music was great

I saw great shows in Georgetown, Texas 

Every year I am somewhere new 

With all new people 

It is an interesting life I've had 

Overall it made me glad 

To have so many new experiences

Independence Day

On this day years ago 

The British got hot you know 

They surrendered finally 

Soldiers as far as they could see

A strong newborn nation we became 

We learned to let go of the shame 

Over the English bossing us around 

Until our independence we found

We still live in tyranny 

But most don't ever see 

What goes on behind the curtain 

It is evil we can be certain 

How can we purify the USA? 

Read your Bible I would say 

And may we become less gay

God bless America

Wednesday, July 3, 2024


What would it be like to rule

In the White House every day? 

I wonder what I would say 

If I had speeches to give 

I would tell others to live 

Life to the fullest and never 

Give up or sever

Your dreams away 

Remember to always pray 

That's what I would say

Elect me today

Vote Kamala and Elisabeth for president and VP 😁

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Girl Power

 Women can do 

Anything men can do 

That may make men blue 

They like to be the one 

Who can really do some 

Important work, you know 

They put on a big show 

Strong arm us all to submit 

When maybe they should quit 

And let the women lead 

For a change 


Monday, July 1, 2024

Pray for Biden

It is sad when the brain 

Starts to really wane

Is it like going insane?

Or is it just the same 

As being disabled?

Who turned off the cable?

The lights dim down

It makes us all frown 

And cry a little inside 

Because that could be us 



And before you all cry....check out a great sermon. 

The two greatest Christians in America I would say are Joyce Meyer and Steven Furtick. If you need to get inspired, listen to them. 


Sunday, June 30, 2024

Parenting 101

Be careful with how you treat your kids. You need to discipline them some but not too much. Kids should not be spoiled, because then they don't respect anyone. But if you are too harsh with them, they also won't respect you. They will just hate you and everyone else. You have to find the middle ground. Love but don't spoil. Spank but don't abuse. 

If you don't punish your kids, the police will. It doesn't need to be physical punishment. You can also talk sternly to them, without being verbally abusive, and have rules with your kids. Don't let them walk all over you. You are the boss, not them. 

Love your kids, but don't worship them. They are not meant to be in charge. So many families worship their kids. The kids are running the home. It should not be that way. They are your kids, not your friends. Once you see them as friends, you are not the authority figure anymore. Kids need to have a strong authority figure more than another friend. You don't need to give them everything they want, obviously. It's ok to say no. It takes effort to say no, but it is important. Have good boundaries with them. If you have not read the book Boundaries by Dr. Cloud read it. It will seriously help you with any relationship you have. 

Friday, June 28, 2024


You make life better all day

If I feel tired I just say 

It's time for more coffee 

Where would we all be

Without our cups filled with glee

Pot is evil 

Coffee is great 

Don't make yourself sluggish 

Make yourself more alive 

Drink more mochas and thrive

Thank God for coffee 

God bless the USA 


Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Debate

This debate was just wonderful to watch. I felt very bad for Biden the entire time though. His facial expressions were funny and sad at the same time. He was like looking at a light that is half burned out. :( Trump was totally alive, but he could be just as foggy in 3 years. We all should consider that. I wonder if either of them are good for America. 

Trump would be better with Putin I would say. Biden in no way would be better than Trump. Sorry to say that. I think a totally new candidate would be ideal. 

My dream is for Kamala and I to run America. Girl power! How cool would that be for feminism and women getting stronger if two women were in charge? Super cool. Granted I have my son to raise, but I could find a great preschool for him. 

I feel God saying these two men are dishonest, old and almost disabled, but no one else is willing to step up. Or no one would honor another person stepping up. Would people respect Kamala and I if we led the US? We probably wouldn't care if they don't. But I think a woman's touch maybe is what America needs and what the world needs. :) Women know more about the core of America than men do. 

I could move into the White House soon if this dream could come true. Or Trump can do it and I hope he will be more responsible with the gov. money this time. 

And Biden needs to retire like today. His zest is totally gone. It would not be wise to let him run America in any capacity at all ever again. I hope Kamala will mainly be in charge from now on. And we should give up on attacking Russia. That probably will never work. We need to let other countries just be from now on.  

And tell border patrol to arrest and put in jail for a month anyone trying to cross the border. It could feel odd to put kids in jail but if it's comfortable it wouldn't be super inhumane. That should fix the issue. After a month drive them to Mexico City and they can figure out how to live there. 

May God bless our nation. I think women should run the US for a while. Pray for that y'all. God bless! 

Poor Countries

"You will never see 

The children of the righteous begging"

Why so much destitution

What is the solution

Maybe a restitution

Needs to be made 

To the 3rd world that fades 

Away into the background 

Should they come here

Why do we them fear

It's better than living in poverty

There is a heavy gravity 

To the issue of deportation

Why not instead cause taxation

Make them all citizens 

It is better for everyone 


Why do Mexicans love pot? 

Maybe cuz it gets so hot 

Down in Mexico 

They flee up north 

As birds migrate north in summer 

They can't take the heat 

They hope to beat 

The crazy summer heat wave 

But I bet in winter 

They wish they were back 

In their Mexico homeland 


Wednesday, June 26, 2024


Why do we call them aliens? 

Is it because we see them as evil?

To us they are like smeagle

Some are evil but not all are 

The rapists should be executed 

The good ones 

And there are good illegals 

Should be made citizens

And pay taxes 

And be required to attend church 


Tuesday, June 25, 2024


I wish I could be in the debate 

That sure would be great 

I'll probably pretend I'm there 

As I see it, may it be fair 

I love seeing debates 

With those two it will be great  

Like a rooster fight it could be 

If they both still have some fight 

Left in them, we'll see 

Monday, June 24, 2024

Sexual Immortality

Desire to be pure 

Avoid sexual desire 

You should never lust after 

A person who is not yours 

There are better things 

To let rule your mind 

Focus on God 

Not as much on people 

People cannot save you 

Only God can 

What is Sin?

 Galatians 5:20-26

"The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery;  idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions, and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.

Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other."


People say "I can't help it"
"I'm addicted" 
Decide to not be addicted 
You can break free 
If you want to 
Set yourself free 
Be stronger 
Than you have been 
Just. Say. No. 


 Do what you promise

Let your yes be yes 

Don't let others down 

What you say you will do 

Do it 

Don't drop the ball 

Never give up 

Keep going 

It takes effort to be faithful 

But the reward is great 

Happier relationships 

That might last forever 



 Do you struggle to be gentle?

I do too 

It makes others blue

Speak the truth in love right?

Be kind, never fight 

Never intimidate 

Always appreciate 

Be a lovable person 

Only with God we can 


It is good to be good today 

Think of kind things to say 

There is enough that makes us sad 

Try to make others glad

God wants you to never be bad 

Many great days we had 

When we tried hard to be good 



Did we forget the need for kindness?

It seems we have a hard heart blindness 

We see what we want to see 

With more prayer we might be 

Who God desires us to be

I pray all the gossip will stop 

Maybe we are bored but that's not 

The best way to spend our time 

Be kind to others