Thursday, January 18, 2024

42 Homes Comedy

 I have lived in 42 different homes throughout my life. That makes me sound like a foster kid but no. I just have gone on many adventures. 

1. My parents rented a house in Santa Ana, CA from the time I was born till I was 6. We basically had a zoo in that house. We had a dog, bunny, cats, frogs and guinea pigs. 

2. Then we lived in a duplex owned by my grandma. I built my own mini golf course in the backyard. I also bred rats. I tried selling them at garage sales we had. When I told people the babies were rats they usually screamed. 😂

3. At age 9 my family moved from CA to Iowa. We lived in a motor home for a summer by my other grandma. I got to explore 10 acres around there like I was Huck Finn. It was a great summer! 

4. Then we bought a house by a lake. I made a tree house there. Well it was more like a big square of wood that I called my tree house. 

5. At age 11 we went to live in an apartment in town by my school. I started sneaking out at night that age. There was so much to explore. I probably gave my mom a few headaches in that apartment. 

6. We moved to a house close to my Junior High. Almost every day after school I walked down "smokers alley" we called it. I was 13 and smoking already just so I could feel grown up. 

7. At age 14 my mom and I moved back to CA to live with my grandma. She kept breathing life into me and telling me I was special and God had something for me to do. I mostly believed her. :)

8. Then my mom and I got an apartment in Santa Ana. I played a ton of basketball there. The guys were surprised a girl could play ball. They were "What? Oh she can play!" 

9. At age 15 we got a townhome next to my High School and church. It seemed half the church lived in the townhomes around us. It was a for real heaven on earth community. 

10. At age 18 I was off to college! I lived in the Sigma dorm first. One night a guy was talking to my neighbor from the parking lot. I kept throwing pennies at him to make him go away. It was really funny. 

11. My mom married my step dad so that made our new home in a condo in Huntington Beach. I had good times riding my bike to the beach to watch all the hot surfers. 😁

12. After my freshman year I went to live with my Aunt for a summer in Hawaii what.... I was a nanny for my cousins. I had a heck of time getting them to do what I wanted them to though. 

13. My Junior year I lived in the Alpha dorm. I had a random room mate that year. She farted a lot in her sleep. It smelled terrible. I don't know why I didn't open a window more. 

14. My Senior year I had an on campus apartment. This was my hardest year. I wasn't eating in the cafeteria anymore, and I missed it. It was isolating to be in the apartments. I had a few dates with a hot guy that were fun though. 

15. My mom and step dad decided to upgrade to a bigger house in Irvine. It was awesome! I got my own patio. We had awkward neighbors there though. We knew them from church yet we all barely said hi. 3 years I made it at this house. That was my longest time in a house. 

16. Then I went to work on a cruise ship. That was crazy and fun and awkward. Glad I did that overall. The comedian kept hitting on my room mate and I. He was twice our age. 😣

17. Then I went to Nebraska to get an apartment with my brother. His dog slobbered all over which took some adjusting for me. ☺

18. Then I fell in love with a guy named Roger from work. We got a cheap apartment. I worked at the Pizza Hut near there and delivered pizzas in the freezing cold winter out there in Nebraska. It was not easy or fun. One time I slid partly through an intersection. That was crazy. 😱

19. Roger got a job in Lincoln so we got an apartment there. I barely made anything working in a restaurant there. We failed and had to go live with his mom.

20. We were in his mom's basement for a month. It was mostly ok. She was nice but hollered down for Roger at times. I just didn't say anything if I was home. 😂

21. Then we went back to the Lincoln apartment. I got a better job there at Chilis and made more money. He worked in a prison there. I felt it was insane he wanted to work there but oh well. 

22. A year later he died from drinking too much. My brother and mom came to get me and help me drive to my mom's in CA. My brother was surprised I wasn't crying more. I said I still couldn't believe it happened. I lived with my mom for 2 months. 

23. Then I went to Australia! I stayed with an old lady for a few days. 

24. Then I rented a room from an old man for a week but it was very awkward. 

25. Then I rented a room from a young guy for a few weeks. 

26. Then I came back to the states! I was soooo happy to come back to our God blessed and awesome country. I stayed with my mom for a few days. 

27. Then she helped me drive to Kansas City to live with a friend. My car was our home for 5 or 6 days. Jk we stayed in hotels. 

28. I helped my friend move to a brand new apartment. We lived there for a few weeks. Woot! 

29. I prayed to meet a great guy like Roger again. Then I met my ex husband and moved in with him, overly fast but oh well. 

30. Then after I became pregnant we moved to Texas and stayed with his parents while he got his CDL. That was interesting. 

31. Then finally we got our own apartment 3 months after coming to Texas. It was kind of old but oh well. 

32. That apartment sucked so we got a brand new apartment closer to his parents. 

33. That apartment got infested with bugs randomly 😭 so we moved to another brand new apartment.

34. That one still had bugs because we brought them with us somehow. If you ever get a bug infestation, get rid of everything you have. Possibly even your cars. Just burn it all. 

35. 6 months after living there me and my girls went to live with my mom. My ex lived with his parents because he was too retarded to move with me and my girls. 

36. Finally he came to Austin and found a job. We got a nice apartment. The bug issue was a lot better then. 

37. Then we got a duplex closer to my mom. I loved that area we moved to more than any area I have ever lived in. We should have stayed there forever. 

38. But we wanted a new house. So we bought a house in Jarrell because it was the cheapest area to buy a house in. 

39. There was a reason it was cheap. They built the house in a month it seemed. It had tons of issues. That is the house our divorce happened in. Can I blame our divorce on that house? Sure why not. 😀 My ex left. I stayed in that house till it was foreclosed on 4 years after we initially bought it. 

40. Then I road tripped and stayed all over the south. A hotel in Destin, Florida was a perfect home for me for a week. I shall return there someday to visit hopefully. 

41. Then a bf I had told me to come here and get an apartment by my daughters so I did. 

42. That apartment got bugs too. I think this city has a serious issue with their apartments having bugs. So I moved in with my current man. 

And hopefully I will stay here forever. Until I am 80 years old and pass on. Because I am finally tired of hopping all over the place like a bunny rabbit. 😁

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