Friday, January 12, 2024

Candy Comedy

 Every time I go to the dentist they say, "Why are you here?" I say, "It hurts when I eat chocolate." And I almost want to cry. It's the end of my world when I can't eat chocolate anymore. 

I figured out a good way to be the most well liked person at work, bring in candy. After Halloween I brought in our bowl of candy and kept it filled up. It helped make everyone super nice to me. 

You know what candy almost makes my mouth water? Cookies and Cream candy bars with the white chocolate. I loooove white chocolate. 

When I eat Dove dark chocolate I like to fantasize it's cleaning my teeth. It might have some health benefits for teeth, but of course it doesn't clean them. Maybe I'm just proud of myself for eating that instead of junky milk chocolate. 

I used to love getting milk duds at the movie theatre. Maybe that's why I needed 20 fillings at one time.

You ever eat Hot Tamales candy and think, "I don't like this. It's too spicy. Why do I keep eating them?" 

Hungry? Why wait? Eat a snickers. Unless you don't want carmel wedged into your teeth to give you a brand new cavity. 

A candy I never got into much was Reese's Pieces. It makes me feel nauseous every time. What kind of peanut butter are they using? 

I used to make what I called Jesus packets. They had Bible tracts and lots of candy. Just a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down right? Turn or burn! But also here's some candy. 

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