Saturday, January 13, 2024

Funny Animals

 We can all know God has a sense of humor because of all the silly looking animals he created. Here are some examples: 

Anteater- Such a strange looking animal. The giant long nose. It is cute and strange at the same time. 

Bees- Their sting is not funny. That makes us remember to fear the Lord I think. But why are bees fuzzy? It makes them cute, but then you think, no you're not cute, you're mean. I hate you. 

Cows- I saw a cow running one time. It was quite funny. Then I realized, I have seen hundreds of cows in my life. That was the first one I saw running. So their laziness is funny. 

Duck- The sound ducks make I always found funny. They are so cute. You just want to pick them up, but they never let you. They are like, "No it's a human! Run away quickly!"

Elephant- By far the funniest looking animals. Such enormous ears. And God made his largest land animal look like that as if to say, "Look how creative I can get. What do you guys think?" 

Frogs- The neck is funny. This is even more funny, I dated a guy who literally had a neck like a frog. So silly. 

Gorillas- They look like humans almost. Except their faces look like super old people. The way they walk is pretty funny. Who wants to see a human walk like a gorilla? That would be hilarious. 

Hippos- It is funny how fat they are. It makes you wonder if God thinks fatness can be really cute. Why do we all go on diets? We should just look cute and funny like hippos. 

Iguana- The idea for men to have mohawks must have come from the Iguana. Some guys must have been like, "Yeah I wanna look just as cool as an Iguana." They look like overly fat lizards. They walk like they are fat too, because they walk super slow. 

Jack rabbit- Have you seen the ears on a jack rabbit? Their ears are almost a foot long.

Kangaroos- Their short little arms are so cute. I saw a kangaroo while hiking in Australia. Thank God it didn't hurt me. I've seen videos of them attacking people for no reason. 

Lions- They can mate up to 50 times per day. Talk about having some serious stamina. 

Monkeys- Their cute little human like faces make us all say awe....

Narwhal Whale- What do they do with the built in swords they have? Kill their prey, have sword fights, who knows. 

Owl- An owl can turn its neck 270 degrees. That's why they seem so creepy. It's like black magic powers. Ah...

Penguin- The penguin waddle is the most funny walk ever. I have always wanted a pet penguin. 

Quail- The California Quail looks like it has a fancy hairdo like most Californians have fancy hair. Who imitated who on that one? 

Rhino- Why do they have a horn? To fight each other I guess. But why do they feel the need to fight so much? 

Stork- Why does it have super long legs and a long bill? God had some fun creating that bird. 

Turtle- I love turtles so much. I had pet turtles for awhile. One actually tapped on my back door to tell me he needed more food. They are pretty smart animals. 

Unicorns- No unicorns aren't real. But if a horse and a Narwal whale mated, then we could see a real one. 

Venus Flytrap- These are funny and creepy at the same time. It's a plant but seems more like an animal because it eats insects. What was God thinking when he made this plant? He wanted to scare us all I think. 

Walrus- They are probably the fastest and laziest animals. You just see them laying around like a homeless person when you see them. You almost expect them to have a sign up asking for money.

Yak- Their shaggy fur is pretty funny. 

Zebra- They also have a cool looking mohawk. And they sound like dogs barking. 

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