Thursday, January 11, 2024

Friend Comedy Stories

 When I was in college I taught my room mate to talk like Stitch. Then almost every night while falling asleep, we would talk like Stitch to each other. 

In Junior High a friend of mine and I had a giant mud fight. It was after a hard rain in Nebraska. We were so covered in mud that we had to hose each other off after. You haven't really had fun until you have had a mud fight. 

At another friend's house we would play hide and go seek in her corn fields. The only down side is that corn can cut up your skin real good. But it was still fun. 😁

When I worked on a cruise ship I was worried my girl room mate had a crush on me. She came and hugged me when I was sleeping and asked if I wanted to come to the bar with her. I was just like, "Nope! I'm good." 

Another friend at work told me she made out with a girl friend once. I wanted to say, "I don't know if you are fishing, but that will never happen with us. Never ever ever." 

I was on an intramural basketball team in college. We lost almost every game we played. But the whole time we were smiling and high fiving each other. We didn't care if we might win. It was still fun. 

Before my youth group started one night I wanted to play Amazing Grace on the piano. I started rolling the piano back but it started tipping over. I tried holding it up, but that was a lost cause. The piano smashed on the ground. Some friends started clapping over it. I ran to the bathroom and cried. 

Another time I cried in the bathroom was when I lost my voice. I got so sick I couldn't talk, but my job required me to talk over an intercom. My co workers teased me over it. I got so frustrated that I cried half the day in the bathroom. 😣

I used to work at Petco. A co worker would bring his sugar gliders into the store. One liked to sit on my shoulder. I rang people up all day one day with that sugar glider just chilling on my shoulder. 

At Papa John's a friend and I would sing a song when we got stressed. I would sing, "Boom boom boom let me hear you say wayo." She would say, "Wayo...." Then we could do our job better once we de-stressed that way. You should try that with your favorite co worker. πŸ˜€

I was singing karaoke with a friend at a bar one night. I sang the song Graves into Gardens. She said her baby jumped around inside her while I was singing. Maybe it was getting filled with the Holy Spirit. 😁

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