Monday, January 15, 2024

Why It Is Here

 Why were couches created? So that moms could rest more. 

Why were windows created? So you can get a tan while still inside. 

Why were bed frames created? So you aren't on the floor with the bugs. But why are there bugs on your floor anyways? 

Why were tables and chairs created? So you aren't on the floor with the bugs. 

Why were fans created? So we don't open the windows and let in tons of bugs. 

Why was a dryer created? So we don't get bugs on our clothes from hanging them outside. 

Why was a washing machine created? So we won't hurt our backs hand washing our clothes. 

Why was indoor plumbing created? So you won't have to freeze when you go pee. 

Why were yards created? So we aren't too close to our neighbors. 

Why were dumpsters created? So we won't burn our trash and burn down the neighborhood. 

Why were showers created? So you almost never need to clean your bathtub. 

Why were refrigerators created? So you could hide in your house for a week and not go to the store. 

Why were microwaves created? To give us all cancer. No because we can't wait 10 minutes for our food to warm up on the stove. 

Why was the stove created? So we won't burn our houses down. 

Why was the doggy door created? So your dog won't pee all over your house. 

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