Monday, April 18, 2022


 If you are insecure, I sympathize with your pain. No one thinks of themselves as highly attractive. Ok when I was like 20 I saw myself as hot, but most of my life I have perceived myself as an average looking person. I would say I'm like a 7 out of 10. God says I'm a 9.5. 😀 Thank you God. 😂 If you don't think you are hot stuff don't worry, no one does. And if they do, they are a stuck up, arrogant piece of crap. So it is best if you don't think of yourself as extremely attractive. People who think or "know" they are hot are the MOST annoying people to be around. I have always found them highly annoying. The studs of the world actually are the most insecure, because they are terrified of the day when they won't look like a stud anymore. For example, my biggest fear used to be gaining weight. Now I really don't care. I am mostly in good shape. I could loose 15 pounds if I want a hotter body, but why does it matter? Vanity is retarded. Looks are not beneficial unless you want to be an actress etc. If anyone doesn't like me how I am naturally they can go climb a tree naked. ☺ That is my general attitude about other people's view of me. I never have cared much if people like me or not. If they don't, they are probably too high maintenance, and I wouldn't like them anyways. So their opinion does not matter. "Those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." Remember that. 😉 Now go dance around your house you sexy person you. 😀

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