Thursday, April 21, 2022

Silly Pets

 Do you love a dog or a cat more then people? Why? I had a 2 year phase where my 2 cats were my whole world. I had that crazy pet obsession for awhile. I got my cats as kittens and they were magazine level adorable. I loved them so, so much! But then they grew up and were very independent. So I moved on and had my own life but I still kept them. You can have pets without making them your whole world. A lot of people have sadly not figured this out. So they allow their dog or cat to keep them from finding love. Their pet is like a shield. They are like, "Nah don't get too close to me, because I only really can love my dog or cat." But why? Are you really that incapable of loving a person just as much as you love your pet? Who hurt you so much that you now hate all humans? Just want to remind you that you are a human. 😉 You are not a cat, although that would be fun. You are not a dog. You are a human and you are meant to be around other humans. Sorry if that is too much to take in but y'all know pet obsession can be a bit much. Go be in love with a PERSON and forget about your pets for awhile. It will be worth it. Hopefully. 😊

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