Sunday, April 10, 2022

Love Them Anyway

 Do most people deserve your love? Nope. Not one bit. There is probably not one person alive who deserves for you to love them the way God wants you to. It seems at times that God cursed every single person alive with a very difficult personality. I have worked in customer service for 20 years. I know that is a hard truth. Everyone you know has probably hurt you or offended you in some way. It is ok to be angry for awhile, but eventually you have to get over it and move on. To give yourself peace. Let your mind have peace. It takes a lot of energy to stay mad at someone. They aren't worth giving all your energy away to by staying angry at them. Let it go and move on. Forgive them. You might not forget about their offense. But at least you can let it go at some point, for the sake of your own mental sanity. Forgiveness is more a gift for yourself then for them. They would Love for you to stay angry at them, because then you give them the attention that they are wanting. When you forget about it and move on, that actually irritates them more because you are forgetting about them. They want to be in the center of your thoughts, but that is not what they deserve. That is why they tried to make you mad. Let it go and move on. Be the bigger person. Be mature. 

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