Thursday, April 21, 2022


 Narcissism is being in love with only yourself and no one else. The term came from a man in Greek mythology. Narcissus was a man who saw himself in a lake reflection one day and then just sat and stared at himself for hours. 😂 He literally fell in love with himself. 

Most gay people are narcissists because they want someone who is just like them. Pride is the root of all gayness. To love someone who is completely different from you is real love. Opposites attract right? At least they are supposed to. How much are you in love with yourself? Why are you? Granted the opposite sex can be frustrating but are you really so much better? Do you think you are perfect? No one is perfect. Not one single person. 

Get over yourself. The world does not revolve around you. My ex husband was a narcissist. He thought other people were Always thinking about him. The truth is that most people are too busy thinking about themselves to think about you. Or they have like 20 other people they think about, not just you. Life is not all about you. There are billions of people on the planet who are important. You are not the only important person. That might be a hard truth to fully take in, but that is a fact. 

Who made you a king of anything? Do you see yourself as a king? Well you are NOT.

If everyone saw themselves more like a humble janitor, the whole world would be a better place. :) So stay humble. The more humble you become, the better your life will be. 

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