Monday, January 23, 2023

God's 40 Laws of Power

God said, "My people die due to a lack of knowledge." Here is more knowledge for you. Knowledge is power. 

(Quotes are from the book The 48 Laws of Power by Robert Greene.)

1. "Never outshine the master.

Make your masters appear more brilliant than they are and you will attain the heights of power."

Boost the ego of your boss. Flatter them. Cater to them. You can only keep your job if they continue to like you. Do anything they need you to do and then some. But don't do more then them or they will start to despise you. They will fear you want to replace them, and they will fire you before you can.

Law 2: "Never put too much trust in friends, learn how to use enemies.

Hire a former enemy and he will be more loyal than a friend, because he has more to prove."

Jealousy can be very powerful. If you're friends are jealous, they will become your enemy instantly. 

A former enemy wants to be on your good side again, so they can be more of an asset then your friends. 

Law 3: Love Your Neighbor as You Love Yourself 

Don't forget yourself entirely while loving your neighbor. You can only take good care of others if you first take good care of yourself. 

Law 4: "Always say less than necessary."

Stay humble. No one likes a person who thinks they know it all. No one likes a chatter box. The biggest asset in life is knowing when to shut up. 

Law 5: "So much depends on reputation, guard it with your life.

Always be alert to potential attacks and thwart them before they happen."

Keep a good name. Don't needlessly attack others. Then they will attack you. Never get too emotional. Watch out for making jokes that many will not think of as funny. 

Law 6: "Court attention at all costs.

Surround your name with the sensational and the scandalous.

Better to be slandered and attacked than ignored."

Law 7: Always work hard. Never become lazy. 

Law 8: "Make other people come to you, use bait if necessary."

Never ever chase someone. If they want you or need you, that is great. If not, oh well. 

Law 9: "Win through your actions, never through argument."

Don't take the bait to argue with someone, ever. You will loose all your power. If you can learn to always control your anger, you are the most powerful person alive. 

Law 10: "Infection: Avoid the unhappy or the unlucky."

Don't let depressed people bring you down. Don't let them ruin your life just because they ruined their own life. 

Law 11: "Learn to keep people dependent on you."

Make yourself irreplaceable. 

Law 12: "Use honesty and generosity to disarm your victim."

Help people trust you. But actually be trustworthy. Most can detect a con artist a mile away 

Law 13: "When asking for help, appeal to people’s self interest, never their mercy or gratitude."

Most people do not care what you have to offer unless it benefits them. All of life is bartering. It is a trade. You scratch my back, I scratch yours. How can you learn to scratch their back? 

Law 14: Be a really good friend. It is hard to find great friends these days. 

Law 15: "Crush your enemy totally."

If you let them in a little, they will get total victory. Learn to cut toxic people off entirely in order to protect yourself. 

Law 16: "Use absence to increase strength and honor.

The more you are seen and heard from, the more common you appear." 

No one enjoys an annoying person. Make yourself half invisible so as to annoy no one. If you are totally invisible, no one knows who you are and you have no influence. If you are too visible, people want you to go away. Be half invisible. 

Law 17: "Cultivate an air of unpredictability."

Never become a boring person. Always keep your life and your time with the other person spicy and creative. Surprise yourself with what you do everyday. Never fall into a routine. You will lose any love of life. 

Law 18: "Do not build a fortress to protect yourself, isolation is dangerous."

You need allies. You need people on your team. Try to keep at least 3 people that are totally loyal to you and would do anything for you. Accept that things always change. You might need a plan B and C and D. 

Law 19: Don't sweat the small stuff. 

Don't get overly worked up over little things. You can spend months worrying about something that will only last a few hours, like child labor. What is the point? It will happen no matter how much you worry about it. 

Law 20: "Do not commit to anyone."

Stay free. Remind yourself you are free. You are never stuck. You always have other options. Don't let any person know they totally have you. They only have you if....

Law 21: "Act dumber then your mark."

Act dumber then you are. Everyone likes dumb people more then a smart alec. 

Don't flaunt your intelligence too much. If you need someone, don't act like you totally don't need them. Don't be clingy, but don't act aloof and prideful either. Either demeanor will cause them to run away. 

Law 22: "Re-Create Yourself"

Always learn new things. Learn to master everything you can think of. This will increase your confidence and keep others in awe of you. 

Law 23: "Enter action with boldness.

Boldness strikes fear, fear creates authority."

Don't be double minded. Know what you want and hunt it down until you get it. 

Law 24: Never let them see you sweat. Never appear nervous. When dogs can tell you are nervous, they are more likely to attack you. You have to exude confidence and no one will try attacking you. Always appear in control. Always act like you are on top of it all. Stay calm. Appear strong. No matter how scared you feel, never show it. 

Law 25: "Control the options, get others to play with the cards you deal.

You give people a sense of how things will fall apart without you, and you offer them a “choice”: I stay away and you suffer the consequences, or I return under circumstances that I dictate."

In dealing with any addict, you need to do this. Keep strict guidelines. They need to know what is ok and what is not. Don't slide on the rules. Stay firm. 

Law 26: "Be royal in your own fashion. Act like a king to be treated like one."

If you see yourself as special, others will see you as special too. What you project to others is how they will see you. 

Law 27: Love the Lord your God with all your heart. 

Ultimately God is the king. If you do not submit to his authority, no one will submit to yours. 

Law 28: "Disdain things you cannot have, ignoring them is the best revenge."

Law 29: Humble yourself so God will exalt you.

You first have to die in order for God to resurrect you and glorify you. 

Law 30: "Despise the free lunch."

Nothing is free. Know there are Always strings attached. 

31: "Preach the need to change, but never reform too much at once."

Accept others while trying to change them. 

Jesus was great at this. He made friends with sinners in order to transform them. No one cares what you know, until they know that you care. Relate to them in some way. Show you understand. Then maybe they will want to become more like you after you show that part of you resembles them. 

32: Have no idols before God. You shall have no other God’s before God. The last person you want to make angry with you is God. Respect him always. "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom." 

34. Honor the Sabbath. Take a day off once a week. Your brain and your body need to rest. Never arrogantly think you don't need any breaks. 

35. Honor your mother and father. They know more then you realize. 

36. You shall never Kill. Don't kill with your words either. Then people will be afraid of you and they won't trust you. 

37. Avoid porn. That is borderline Adultery. It will affect your relationship. Either it will make you run away or they might run away. It causes great division. 

38. Do not lie, generally, but some lies are allowed. Be careful what you lie about and who you lie to. Some people have impossible expectations and if you tell the truth you will lose the peace. In order to remain at peace with all men, some lies are required and necessary. 

An ex did not want me to buy anything online. I needed to buy clothes and snacks for my daughters online. I should have discussed this with him. Instead I ordered things without asking him, as he wanted me to. 

39. Never Steal. Work for your money. You should contribute to society in some way every day. 

40. Treat others as though they are better then yourself. Because maybe they are.

Learn well how to get advice from others. Never stop learning. You never reach a point where you know all there is to know. Always remain humble. 

Do you feel more wise and powerful? I hope so. ☺ May God bless you all! 

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