Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Mental Breakdown

 The pastor of a major church in Colorado that makes the best worship music ever, had a mental breakdown. He had 3 kids. Was that why? Maybe he had too many kids. 

My ex had a mental breakdown and we had 2 kids. A friend's dad had an ongoing mental breakdown and only had one kid. Maybe the amount of kids doesn't matter. It is what the man builds the foundation of his mind on. 

Why are so many fathers not able to handle fatherhood? Why don't they last very long? Maybe they stay married, but they aren't really there or they don't really want to be there. 

It can be like the parable of the wise man who built his house on stone. When the storms came, his house did not fall down. His mind did not collapse under the pressure of raising a family and providing well. 

Have you built your house on the rock of Jesus? How do you do that? Read the Bible, pray, listen to Hillsong worship music, take time to rest, save the lost, have a hobby that you feel is your calling....always be kind to your mate. 

Don't just watch stupid things on TV or in movies. That can be building your house on straw rather then rock. It might fall down when the storms come. 

Do you want your house and your mind to be indestructible? Build it on the rock of Jesus. 

Pray for your mate. Pray over your house. Be careful what you listen to, and what adds you see on TV. Don't watch rated R movies. Try watching only Christian movies. Don't stay on your phone 24/7. Interact with real people. Be careful who your closest friends are. Pray about who God wants you to be around more then others. Be careful of the conversations you have at work. Don't gossip too much. Don't allow evil spirits to get in you from your co-workers. That really can happen. Respect your parents always. Be mostly conservative with your money. It is good to spend a little so you won't resent working hard, but have good self-control in what you spend money on. 

And always focus on God. Forget the world. Remain focused on God always and you will be much less likely to have a mental breakdown. May God bless you and always watch over you. 😀

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