Monday, January 23, 2023

Have Great Boundaries

 Boundaries are needed to keep you from going crazy. If you try to keep everyone happy all at once, you will go crazy. If you care too much what every single person thinks about you, you will go crazy. 

You can't make everyone happy at the same time. It is impossible. No matter what you do, someone will be mad at you. This is why the majority of people just don't do anything, so they won't hurt anyone's feelings. But that is sad and depressing. Do something and just decided to grow a thicker skin. Stop caring if people are upset with you. Who cares? It could just be something silly like they are hungry. It might have very little to do with you anyways. I used to work in customer service for a super long time. Often times I would have difficult customers who wanted to complain about something. I would always want to ask them, "Awe how is your home life?" I wonder if that would have gone over well. :) 

Everyone has something that they want. They might try to get it from you. Just because they want it or need it, that doesn't mean you have to be the one to give it to them. They can get their want met in another way. You are not meant to help everyone. God probably just has 2 or 3 people that he wants you to help and that might be it. You can consider them your assignment for this time in your life, like an angelic assignment. :) Everyone else can go find someone else to help them. If you try helping too many people, you won't be able to help each person too much. You will feel spent and worn out quickly. No one was meant to help everyone. Just help the few people that you feel God has told you to help. 

To some you just have to say, "Too bad. I need to take care of myself." Of course you don't want to be overly selfish, but you don't want to bend over backwards for people either. Some people cannot be happy no matter what you do. For those people, just give up trying. You might feel bad if they are related to you. Try to not feel bad. If they are a toxic person, they need to be avoided. They will drain you dry. You have to fill yourself up more before dealing with difficult people. Sometimes, no matter how full you are it is still hard to deal with them. 

It is possible they are difficult because they prefer to be left alone. If they are sending the message that they don't want to be around you, then don't be around them. What is the point to hanging with someone who doesn't seem to like you? 

Protect your mental health. Stay sane. Stay in control of your life. Limit your interaction with toxic people. You will have a much happier life. 

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