Thursday, January 19, 2023

How Satan Wrecks Marriages

The main way that Satan wrecks marriages is by getting fathers to fall into sin. 

I have seen Satan destroy so many fathers. Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy. He especially wants to destroy fathers, because they are meant to be the head and leader of their home. If you take out the leader, the whole house crumbles to the ground. 

The last time my dad was sent to prison for molesting kids, my brother texted me about it saying, "Damn Satan and his lies!" I knew exactly what he meant, and I was glad that he realized that was the issue too. Satan very much played with my dad's mind, probably his entire life. It has always been frustrating to me that my mom couldn't see that and stop it. Ladies, see your man. You need to know their heart and mind and lead them into a good direction. The man is the head, but the woman has the most influence over her man. Where you try to lead him, he generally will go. Lead him into a good mindset and onto paths of righteousness. Not fake godliness, but true godliness. 

If Satan can get demons into the minds of fathers, he can destroy the entire world, and he has. Think of where we are now. Think of how things used to be. Technology is great. I love it for being able to write publically and hopefully correct the evil that Satan has used to ruin our society with. But think of how much technology has killed our families and our societies over the last 50 years. 

A big reason why things didn't work with my ex-husband and I was that he was looking at porn a lot our whole 7 years of marriage. It wasn't just that he was looking at it, but he kept lying about looking at it. When he finally confessed to me, about a month before our final break up, I felt completely distraught. I thought it was because I wasn't frisky enough for him. I thought maybe I wasn't exciting enough for him. It shattered my whole world. No news has ever hit me as hard and as heart breaking as that did. I thought he was a good man. After that I could not see him as good. I basically just saw him as a dishonest pirate. 

I will say, for any who watch porn, it will make you more displeased with your mate. It can be easy to think, "I wish my mate would do that. But they never would. Maybe I shoud find someone else who would do that." It can open a door to causing friction in your relationship. All of a sudden you feel disatisfied with the person you are with. Then you get mad at your mate and they don't even know why you are mad at them. It is because you saw what other couples do, even if it's staged, and you get mad that they don't do that. Porn sets unrealistic expectations. Be careful of not letting that ruin your relationship. 

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