Friday, January 13, 2023

Take Care of Your Body

1 Corinthians 6:19  

"Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own."

Most Christians don't realize that God really does care about how healthy we are. God wants us to eat healthy foods, to not over-eat, to walk at least some every day. Your body was meant to be used. Move your body in some way every day. 

Our health is important because our bodies are a temple of the Holy Spirit. We are God's hands and feet to the world. In the Old Testament the temples were extremely carefully planned buildings. Everything was in its place. It looked perfect. God does not require us to look perfect, but he does appreciate it if we try to look nice. 

We are God's representative to the world. The more healthy we look on the outside, the more healthy it appears we are on the inside. Why would anyone want a God that doesn't make them healthy and looking better? One of the best reasons to become Christian is that God makes you look and feel better. He helps us to love ourselves more, so then we take better care of ourselves. He takes away that spirit of death and replaces it with his spirit of life and peace. 

We are not our own. Jesus paid for our soul and body at a high price. He was tortured to be a sacrifice for us. Value your mind, your body, everything about yourself. You are very valuable to God, and you should be to yourself too. 

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