Thursday, January 19, 2023

The Homeless

We pass by them every day

We try to ignore their inner cries

Their sad faces

Their worn out clothes

We justify the hardness of our hearts and reason,

"They must have done something to deserve that. 

Surely there is some shelter they can go to."

We harden our hearts over and over again.

But God said, "If you close your ears to the poor,

when you cry out, you will not be heard."

Jesus said, "Whatever you do to the least of these,

you have done unto me."

What would Jesus do?

Would Jesus help the homeless?

He would have an overwhelming amount of compassion 

for them.

He would look at them, like sheep lost without a shepherd.

He would give them food, water and a blanket,

to guard against the freezing, bitter cold of the night.

He might even pay for them to stay in a nice hotel for the night.

He might take them out for a steak dinner

and listen to them tell their whole life story.

He would offer them rides to job interviews,

and try to help them get back on their feet.

Heck, I bet He would even give them the clothes off his back

and any money that He had.

He knew His heavenly Father would take care of him.

He knew His Dad had his back.

He would heal them emotionally.

He would listen to them.

He would not walk away from them.

He would NOT pretend to not see them.

And He would not harden his heart towards them.

He would help them.

And they would LOVE Him.

Aren't we supposed to be Jesus to the world?

Aren't we meant to take His place now that He is gone?

Aren't we meant to be the body of Christ?

Why don't we act like the Holy Spirit is actually inside of us?

Why don't we have compassion on the poor and the lost?

"What does the Lord require of you?"

Answer: "To care for orphans and widows in their distress."

But we callously think, "Aren't there programs for those people?"

"Isn't that what welfare is for?"

"Surely God doesn't want me to actually give some of MY money to, them,

Does He?"

Yes, he does.

He calls us to care, REALLY care, about people.

To really love people.

How can we love others

when we see them in pain and do nothing?

How can we say the love of Christ is in us, if we ignore their poverty?

The love of Christ ought to compel us to feed the hungry, yes?

And to give of our time, money and resources to the needy.

Are not all men created in God's image?

Are we not all God's people?

God cares about every single person alive.

And He wants us to care about, them, also,

as much as He does.

To REALLY love them.

May we soften our hearts to the homeless that we see

And try to help as many as we can

Because we are Jesus' hands and feet to this world.

He wants to use you.

Will you let Him?

Will you care for his sheep?

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