Monday, January 16, 2023


 I'm up in the middle of the night, partly because the allergy causing air is driving me nuts. I hate when the air gets like this and there is nothing I can do. I try praying but God says, "You will be fine. Things could be worse."

I have so many things I'm thinking about now, like incest. Why does it seem like every family is full of incestuous relationships? Fathers seem to have a crush on their daughters, mothers seem to be inappropriately attached to their sons, kids have crushes on their siblings and their parents. Why is the world so messed up? Why are so many families so strange? 

Just recently a few Christian writers revealed their childhood stories of sexual abuse. It made me sad that they went through that, but also glad that they are being more vulnerable now. I think it was due to Covid. There was a humbling that we all went through. We all re-configured our lives and where we want to go. It was a long time of self-evaluation. So many changes. So much heartache. So much angst. But now we are coming out on the other side, into the sunshine again. Hopefully the sun will be allowed to keep shinning this time. 

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