Monday, January 23, 2023

Satan's Game

Genesis 3:1-3

Now the serpent was more crafty than any other beast of the field that the Lord God had made. He said to the woman, “Did God actually say, ‘You shall not eat of any tree in the garden’?” 

What has always stood out to me about this is that Satan re-worded what God the father told Adam and Eve. Satan probably already knew what God had commanded them, but he worded it in a way that would start discontent in the heart of Eve. He accused God of not letting them eat at all. He was hinting to Eve that God was totally holding out on them, not just with the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, but with all the trees in the Garden of Eden. 

He does the same with us. He tries to convince us that God isn't really good, that God is holding out on us. He tries to make us think that God doesn't really love us, that he doesn't want to provide for us. 

How often does Satan try to turn you against God, or someone else? He is called "the accuser of the brethren" for a reason. He is always trying to cause division between us and God and us and other people. He hates unity. There is strength in numbers right? As Maximus said in the movie Gladiator. The more Satan can divide and conquer, the more happy he is. 

He tries to accuse us to God, which generally doesn't work. He also tries to accuse us to each other. He tries to accuse God to us, and make God appear a lot worse then he is. He is jealous of any fellowship we have with others or God, so all he wants to do is destroy it. He comes to steal, kill and destroy. But God wants us to have life. 

Decide today to stop listening to Satan. You might wonder what his voice sounds like. It is a very negative voice. It brings you down. It is full of hatred and rivalry. Any negative thought you have is from Satan. Cast it out of your mind. Get rid of that thought. Take control of your mind, and don't let Satan pollute your thought life anymore. 

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