Saturday, June 17, 2023


The AA in our family is asthma and allergies. Both I believe are side effects of our childhood vaccines. We both have terrible allergy problems and my bf has asthma. It really scares me sometimes because he gasps for air like a 90 year old man. 😣😪

Have you noticed? Only white people get asthma and allergies. My notion is that is because generally only white parents have the desire to vaccinate their kids. They think they are making their kids' life better, but in reality, they are inadvertently giving them asthma or allergies. 

I read a book a few years ago called "Crooked." It said if you look closely at anyone's face that was born around 1980 or later, their face is crooked. That may be caused by the higher amount of unnecessary vaccines that are given to kids now. The metals used as "preservatives" in the vaccines can and do seriously mess up your body. 😒

The age of vaccinating is getting younger too. Most of my vaccines were when I was in grade school. Now every single stupid vaccine is given in the first 2 years of life. Is that wise? When a child is the most fragile? 

If you know a baby, suggest that the parents wait until the kid is older to vaccinate. Also ask the doctor to give only one vaccine at a time. Most are grouped together now, which can be deadly. 

Never trust a doctor or scientist just because they appear to be smarter than you. Trust your instincts. Be wise with your body and your child's body. 

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