Thursday, June 15, 2023

High Blood Pressure

 Back in the day a ton of women would die in child labor or after giving birth. I am very lucky that my baby and I survived. My blood pressure was the highest they had seen at the hospital. A doctor came to talk with me after the C Section. He said how my blood pressure was so high I could have died from a stroke or a heart attack. I just shrugged like what was I supposed to do about it. I ate mostly healthy in my pregnancy. Toward the end I had Sprite for a few weeks. I may have eaten too many hot dogs. Maybe those two things seriously messed up my body. My arms were hurting a lot. I think I developed arthritis in my arms from my hard work at Papa John's. They seemed to have a flare up when I was pregnant.  A flare up is a good term because they felt on fire. 

I also possibly wrote too many books last winter and that worsened my arthritis. It is a miracle that I didn't die in my last pregnancy from high blood pressure. In the hospital they asked me, "Are you in pain or are you tired?" I said, "I'm always in pain, and I'm always tired." I think almost my entire life I have always had pain somewhere in my body, and I have always been tired. I think everyone is tired all the time or else why do people live on soda or coffee? It seems that my neck or my back or my feet always hurt. That is because I always work hard cleaning or doing some fun project. Such is life. 

One thing that may have caused my blood pressure to go up is that I literally prayed to die while I was pregnant. That was the first time in my life that I prayed that. I am sure a lot of women have done that. You get tired of peeing 10 times every night and the extremely painful heartburn. It is very hard to get out of bed toward the end. It was winter most of my pregnancy, so the grass was brown, and the house was cold and that made me sad. I missed my two daughters a lot. I am so grateful now that they are mostly replaced by my son, but it was hard to not have my daughters the past 4 years. That is not normal, and it was very difficult. 

Hopefully my life will be happy from here on out. Hopefully I will be glad to be alive every day, and I will be more grateful for all that I have, rather then focused on what I lost. May God help me to stay strong and healthy the rest of my life. 

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