Friday, June 30, 2023

The Best Way to Feed a Baby

 It is tricky to know when to feed a baby and how much. Generally, it is best to wait for them to cry for a feeding time. If they aren't really hungry, then there is no point in making a bottle. It is important though that babies have a small bottle at least once every 2 hours. Most of us adults like to eat at least a snack every 2 hours. Babies are the same way. Small feedings often are ideal for them, and us. 

This blog will mostly be about formula feeding. I think with breastfeeding it takes about 90% of the baby's day. Good job to you ladies that breastfeed, but that is one reason I have never been all that inclined to breastfeed. It takes a lot longer to get the baby full. 

With formula feeding, there is the stress of finding a great bottle. I like the Dr. Brown bottles. It takes a bit of time for the baby to get used to different bottles. It is ideal to stick with the same kind forever. If you feed the baby too much, they might throw up, or they will have lots of spit up. It is better to do small feedings but more frequently. Then they spit up less, which is so nice. 

When my baby was born, he was a primi so he was very skinny. Of course that made me sad, and my main goal then was to make him fat. Now he has a double chin. I am very happy about that. :) A lot of work went into his double chin. 

It is ideal to stick with the same formula forever also. The more you change formula brands, the more it can mess up the baby's digestion of the formula. 

Try getting your baby to hold his bottle as soon as possible. It is very hard to do feedings in the middle of the night. If you can just hand your baby a bottle, that will help you get a lot more sleep. Keep the amount of formula low for middle of the night feedings. They usually just want a snack but not a full meal during the night time. 

May God bless your baby, and may he or she gain weight appropriately. :)

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